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Wiki (Anonymous, 195.117.211.) Warszawa 5 years ago

Does Trulicity cause weight loss?

Is after this drug lose weight and how much you can go down in a month .. trulicyty..

101 answers, 4 subscribers

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Trulicity is indicated in patients with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes as an adjunct to diet and exercise. It can be used as monotherapy (when metformin is not indicated) or as polytherapy (in combination with other preparations used in diabetes). It should not be used as a weight loss preparation.

Starting treatment with Trulicity poses a risk of dehydration, especially in patients who experience gastrointestinal side effects (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea). It is recommended that you take precautions to reduce the risk of dehydration. Over-the-counter electrolyte preparations can be used for this purpose.

I've attached links to websites where you can compare the prices of electrolytes in online pharmacies and order them with pickup at the pharmacy or home delivery:




Gastrointestinal side effects of Trulicity are usually most severe within the first 2 weeks of use. Over the next 4 weeks, their number decreases rapidly. Decreased appetite has also been reported during treatment with Trulicity.

Dulaglutide, in Trulicity, improves glycaemic control by reducing fasting blood sugar levels over the long term. It lowers the level of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and significantly reduces blood glucose levels after meals.

Trulicity has been shown to cause permanent changes in body weight in clinical trials. For the 0.75 mg dose, the change is between +0.86 kg and -2.63 kg, while for the 1.5 mg dose the change is between -0.35 kg and -2.90 kg. It was observed that patients experiencing nausea had a higher number of kilograms lost.

If the use of Trulicity causes the symptoms you are describing, such as weakness, diarrhoea, decreased appetite, I encourage you to report the side effects. Reporting side effects allows you to increase control over the medicines available on the market. We wrote about how and why to report side effects in the article:

Assessment of the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy with Trulicity is based, m.in, on measurements of the level of glycated haemoglobin in the blood.

I encourage you to familiarize yourself with additional materials that you may find useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/87306/trulicity-iniekcja/ulotka/230087



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Susy69 (Anonymous, 91.80.70.) 9 days ago

Now 6 months with trulicity 1.5... I didn't lose even a pound, on the contrary I increased by 2kg despite having totally eliminated sugar and 50% carbohydrates ...
I also take Metformin 2X850 mg and toujeo 20 units in the evening Side effects only dizziness when lying down Often if I don't eat some carbohydrates my blood sugar drops to 70/80 and I absolutely have to take sugar because otherwise I faint I can't contact diabetology, the phone rings free and no one ever answers My doctor says to decrease the toujeo by 4 units...

Mimi (Anonymous, 37.65.0.) 37 days ago

Hello my type 2 diabetes has decreased since trulicity 0.75 and I lost 10 kg today my doctor put me at trulicity 1.5 I will keep you informed of the rest

Bernard  (Anonymous, 88.160.254.) 2 months ago

I lost 10kg in 1 month from the beginning of the treatment because it took away my appetite

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

To @Susy69:
I am afraid that it will be necessary to consult a diabetologist. With such a complex therapy, you should observe weight loss. Medication doses may need to be adjusted again, so it is advisable to consult a doctor.

If you are unable to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


The advice is provided in Polish.

Susy69 (Anonymous, 91.80.71.) 3 months ago

I found out in November that I had type two diabetes and I was on insulin... Since March I've been doing trulicity.. just a little belching when I change position from lying down to sitting. after three months 0 kg lost despite having eliminated sugar and carbohydrates... blood sugar from 100 to 120 on an empty stomach and from 140/170 after meals.... Bho.... I'm always hungry like a wolf... I avoid eating but I suffer a lot... especially because given this sacrifice I don't lose weight... Is it because in the evening I also take Toujeo (22 doses) and Metformin 850 twice a day?

gigi  (Anonymous, 185.186.104.) 4 months ago

I weighed 160 kg, I lost 54 kg in 12 months thanks to the drug Trulicity, my diabetes improved, I was no longer hospitalized. Glycated hemoglobin dropped from 23 to 7. I'm fine, I eat everything but little thanks to trulicity

Iris (Anonymous, 213.211.233.) 6 months ago

I have diabetes and have been taking the medication for 1 year. The blood sugar is super controlled. Have almost no side effects. The first 2 days after the injection a bit of nausea after eating. I didn't lose weight.

Response removed because: is not consistent with community rules.
Response removed because: is not consistent with community rules.

Kasiulka (Anonymous, 46.204.12.) 13 months ago

In the first week there was a significant weight loss After 3 months, the weight stopped, I lost 9 .5 kg, but I did not increase the dose The doctor said that if I am slow, but still losing, we will leave 1.5 I am very satisfied Before the last day in which I have to make an injection, I have a wolf's appetite I am afraid that if I stop "taking care of:)

Gabryska (Anonymous, 212.87.242.) 16 months ago

Hello The doctor prescribed me a dose of 0.75 but I could not get only a dose of 1.5 I have a question whether I can divide this dose into 2 parts?that is, can I take one syringe 2 times half

Ivaaaaa (Anonymous, 91.199.250.) 17 months ago

Since January 6, I have been taking the drug. First for a month dose of 0.75 mg. Zero side effects but also low weight loss, almost none. After a month to this day, a dose of 1.5 mg and still side effects or weight loss are not seen. I feel good, but why don't I lose weight?

Elka (Anonymous, 5.172.234.) 18 months ago

I have type 2 diabetes. I took trulicity for 5 months. I lost only 3kg. Sugars decreased only trulicity 3mg (currently missing in pharmacies). Side effects constantly belching and discomfort in the digestive system. I quit and I feel better.

Ivaaaaa (Anonymous, 77.92.55.) 18 months ago

After a month of taking a dose of 0.75 mg, weight loss 2 kg. No side effects. Now the second dose of 1.5 mg and so far also no side effects.

Aga.xyz (Anonymous, 46.204.45.) 19 months ago

I have been taking trulicity 0.75mg for 2 months, the first month was a tragedy, vomiting 4 times a day even after drinking water, forcing any meal, persisted for 3 weeks, now it is better, appetite is as it should be, vomiting occurs only after alcohol. For me, weight loss is I think okay, not too fast, I would say "healthy" so far -4kg and -15cm in circumferences

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

19 months ago

There will be no weight loss if there is no caloric deficit (i.e. eating slightly less calories than the body needs to maintain the current situation). I encourage you to consult a dietitian who will tell you what you can change in your eating habits. You can make an appointment for an online consultation using GdziePoLek, at this link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja

Agaa (Anonymous, 109.196.55.) 19 months ago

Applications after a month. Side effects appeared on the 2nd day, lasted a week. Actually reluctance to eat, smaller portions, nausea, but not vomiting. super sugars. This situation lasted a week. With the next injection. One day nausea, then approx. I didn't even feel like eating. However, I try not to eat much. I began to wonder if the drug worked. Sugars still ok. And it's very important In addition to sugars, I also care about losing weight. I don't see any weight loss. Did anyone have that? Is there a way? Are there people in whom the drug had no effect on weight? I wonder what I can improve. I will gladly accept advice. I will point out

Ivaaaaa (Anonymous, 77.92.55.) 1 year ago

Today the first dose of 0.75. I hope it will be ok.

Agnieszka 75 (Anonymous, 37.225.26.) 1 year ago

Today it is 31.12.22 took the first dose of 0.75. From the injection passed about 8 hours. At the moment I do not feel any side effects.

Asia (Anonymous, 31.60.227.) 1 year ago

Hello, the second week on Trulicity starts with type 2 diabetes so far on glupahse 1000 and weight 97kg with a height of 172cm. In the first week, there is a shilty stomach ache and nausea. Sugars are much better on an empty stomach to 90 and after meals to 120. Sapdek appetite to the max and I wake up with nausea. In addition, heartburn, belching and retention in the stomach. I have to eat dinner until 6pm so that I can sleep at night. In addition, everything stinks of windshield fluid in the car unbearable and scrambled eggs. In the middle of dinner I finish because I can not squeeze into myself. I'm starting to have constipation. The circumference of the abdomen flies down, and the weight is on Saturday because the battery has run out. Drop in energy and drowsiness, but this is what I had before taking the drug. In April, a check-up at the diabetologist and I intend to do everything by that time, ie exercise and a healthy diet, so that taking the drug is not in vain, and once I manage to achieve my weight, I only maintain the effects so that there is no yo-yo. Unfortunately, we diabetics have to keep eating habits for the rest of our lives. I greet and wait for the moment without nausea😉

Beata (Anonymous, 178.218.226.) 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your clarification. Best regards

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

1 year ago

Unfortunately, I am not able to assess on the basis of this photo whether you gave the drug correctly, but the visible gray element in the window indicates that the drug was probably administered correctly. The application should look like this, so that the still protected pen is applied firmly to the place of administration. Then we turn the lock ring on the green padlock and only press and hold the green button. The injection is completed when a gray element is visible in the chamber - this is also the case in your picture, so theoretically, if you did all the activities correctly - the dose should be given correctly. There is no need to hold the green button all the time (you can, because it makes it easier to hold the pen to the skin, but you do not have to), so it is very likely that the drug has been administered correctly. Hold the pen to your skin until you hear a click. The click can be heard in about 5-10 seconds when the needle begins to hide. Only then can the pen be moved away from the skin. The pen, of course, is disposable, so it is not recommended to try it again.

Beata (Anonymous, 178.218.226.) 1 year ago

Good morning, Please help because I do not know if I gave the full dose of the drug. This green button by accident probably let go too early. I ask an experienced person to take a look at the photo.

Pinki (Anonymous, 83.4.130.) 1 year ago

So for me weight loss is 23 kg from July 2022 to now November a lot but it is unfortunately due to the lack of appetite vomiting (unfortunately they persist but less and the doctor says that it depends on the body dose of 1.5 mg is taken) generally too much in a short time because now you have to go to the gym 👍glucose normalized I do not know how insulin because it is with her I have a problem but control in March so it will turn out from nothing it turned out that I am a vegetarian disgust for meat even the doctor does not know because and the most willingly I would eat fruits and vegetables and drink smoothies of energy I have a lot I am like filmed and everyone is surprised that on vegetables you can be so energetic and for this I eat what I just want only that I do not feel like anything of course sweets it may not exist as for me

Basia (Anonymous, 46.171.23.) 1 year ago

Mr. Antoni unfortunately but with the well-being is a tragedy ... I have depressive states, lack of desire to live, getting out of bed in the morning (because I would only sleep) fortunately I have medication from the family doctor, which at least a little improves my well-being because without them I think that I would not get out of bed or go to work

Antoni (Anonymous, 188.147.0.) 1 year ago

I forgot to add that (without poison) well-being very good, willingness to live and work, I do not understand the need to lose weight with these glutes. People mż,( less eat)walk and enough. For me, a week with poison NIGHTMARE. Fact good sugar, but, zero life, nothing on p.... From Sunday (heroic sepuku in the abdomen) to Friday (later probably stopped working) monastic mortification. Ladies and Gentlemen beautiful Polish autumn, walks, mż, dance, we do not poison ourselves, greetings on the occasion of Independence Day. The fact that today I bent with a joke, but I will watch myself.Wife sleeps satisfied ...

Antoni (Anonymous, 188.147.0.) 1 year ago

Trunks Agato thank you for the answer, but I see on the packaging 2024, we will see how trulicyty will not fall, as many drugs before ... Today, on the occasion of a long weekend after returning from work, I found delicious lovebirds, homemade tiramisu, I chewed some more chocolate, and some general cargo. Napakowalem to the max. After a nap, sugar 330. Evening metformax 1000 and after the next awakening (that is, now) is 120. Yours sincerely, maybe it is not so bad, but I look at the glaciers, it is trulicyty in the side shelf spoils the mood.

Basia (Anonymous, 46.171.23.) 1 year ago

I took an injection of Ozempic for 4 months and unfortunately at the end I did not feel anything and hunger returned but the diabetologist prescribed me Trulicity 4.5 and I immediately felt its effect (pain at the site of the prick, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, disgust even to the smell of food)... complete lack of appetite literally forcing myself to any meal where I could not eat 1 a day ... weight went down a lot because I came to the diabetologist with a waha of 89kg and I came back after 6-7 months with a weight of 71kg but after stopping the injections for 4 months the weight began to grow to 79 and appetite at the same time ... unfortunately, the ailments are tiring, because every day nausea from the morning and vomiting are after practically every meal ... I hope that this is my last dose with injections and weight will normalize because earlier I was able to lose 10kg in a month and in the next gain 10kg ...

Łuki (Anonymous, 79.191.106.) 1 year ago

Hey, I went from Saxenda to Ozempic and ended up at Trulicity. Saxenda and Ozempic without affecting my weight. 112kg at 175cm so I started on Trulicity. Currently, after 3-4 months of treatment, I have about 96kg. I didn't have any side effects at first. But for about a week maybe two (the drug is given on Sundays) I wake up at night with terrible heartburn, and the next day it bounces back with an egg. I feel tired and I have no energy, but it stings further because 12kg down and I will reach the expected weight. The last 2 weeks are terrible, the food tastes terrible but I will not give up. I am still on a box diet with a low glycemic index. For those who have no effects - remember with the drug drug, play sports. The bike helped me a lot, then the weight flew from week to week. Now a bit of stagnation, because I stopped exercising. But I will return to the sport and believe that the "abdominal thorn" will continue to be destroyed. Good luck!

Agata Sikora Pharmacist

1 year ago

@Antoni - it is worth checking which of the nearby pharmacies takes expired and disposable medicines. Unused ampoules should not be disposed of in municipal garbage, nor can the pharmacy take them back to its condition and sell them to another patient. I recommend the entry: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-gdzie-wyrzucac-leki

Antoni (Anonymous, 188.147.12.) 1 year ago

I gave up after a week, after all, it is sick, the body rebels, sugars actually good but for me appeared a quick pulse and arrhythmia. I have 3 more ampoules of this g. maybe the pharmacy will take back. Diet,movement and metformin. Isn't it easier than to poison the liver?

Anna (Anonymous, 62.122.112.) 1 year ago

A week ago I took the first dose of Triulyutine 1.5 mg. Overall, I felt good. Tomorrow I have to take the second one. I have diabetes 2, in fact the sugar has dropped significantly, on an empty stomach in the morning 105, while after meals even sometimes below 100. Where for a long time I could not beat sugar especially in the morning (recently even up to 140). I'll see what happens next.

Pacjentka  (Anonymous, 178.235.181.) 1 year ago

A week ago I took the first dose tomorrow I take the second 😊 after the first I did not have side effects like most of you, but I had a little elevated pulse but normalized. The advantage is that he does not feel hunger as before. The drug was prescribed to me for obesity and insulin resistance.

LoLa (Anonymous, 178.235.181.) 1 year ago

On Monday at 7 p.m. I took 1 dose two hours after taking a surge of energy, which then turned into a headache, but to bear. At night there was a tingling in the legs so far there is no such tragedy. It's Tuesday at 12 o'clock less appetite which works on the plus side because I was always hungry I walked a slight tingling of the legs from time to time. For now, I do not complain breakfast eaten and everything is ok. May it continue like this with the next doses. Best regards

T1000 (Anonymous, 62.182.98.) 1 year ago

In my case, Trulicity was prescribed as a slimming drug, because as a diabetic I have the results of tests as a healthy person (HbA1c at the level of 5.5), the problem is only overweight despite intense sports.

Response removed because: is not consistent with community rules.

Marlena (Anonymous, 77.254.207.) 2 years ago

Hey from May 2 I take trulicity 1.5 It will be somehow 17 injection Weight initially 84 today 73.6kg I lost 10 kg . No side effects after 5 doses. Friends say that I lost weight and it motivates me more. From my calculations it comes to the fact that the average of the week is 0.6 kg down Of course, I eat everything without reproaches

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

The insulin score does not have to go hand in hand with the result of glycated hemoglobin or other parameters that assess blood sugar levels. The generally accepted norm of fasting insulin is: 3–17 mIU/l (18–102 pmol/l) The glycated hemoglobin score has improved because this is how the drug works. Dulaglutide inhibits the secretion of glucagon, the concentration of which is excessively high in patients with type 2 diabetes. A lower concentration of glucagon contributes to a decrease in glucose production in the liver and a better result of glycated hemoglobin. The drug also affects the secretion of insulin in response to an increase in glycemia, i.e. when after eating the concentration of glucose in the blood begins to rise - the drug stimulates insulin secretion to prevent too high sugar. Metformin, in turn, through various mechanisms sensitizes tissues to secreted insulin. However, please note that treatment cannot continue without changing the eating habits that led to type 2 diabetes or overweight/obesity/insulin resistance of tissues and without physical activity. Insulin levels may be higher m.in due to the lack of lifestyle changes and, for example, as a result of the action of the drug (as I mentioned - drugs such as Trulicity increase insulin secretion in response to a meal). Medication is only an element of therapy, the basis of which must be a change in lifestyle and the introduction of new habits permanently.

Madzia (Anonymous, 46.204.64.) 2 years ago

I have been taking Trulicity for 2 months dose of 3mg and metformin 3x100 mg per day, no weight loss but improvement in glycolated hemoglobin results I wonder one sugar in the norm but the result of fasting insulin is 17 before the introduction of Trulicity 8, does anyone have a similar situation?

Natalia (Anonymous, 37.248.169.) 2 years ago

How can you take trulicity because you want to lose weight. I don't drip it. I got a prescription today from a diabetologist doctor. I'm heartbroken the fact I'm not thin but for me illness is like a sentence. And people here are looking for someone to write them a prescription. I hope that after taking the medication my insulin will drop, I will feel better and I will be healthy. Best regards. All those who have persevered and are healthy 😍

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Yes, each semi-automatic pen contains one dose of the drug, which is administered once a week. 1 pen is enough for 1 week of therapy (1 application).

GOSIA M (Anonymous, 91.90.178.) 2 years ago


M.O. (Anonymous, 213.134.178.) 2 years ago

4mc intake at a dose of 1.5 weight loss 17 kg at: increase 174 starting weight 107, normal glycemia, insulin too. OGTT linear at the output. No concomitant diseases, endocrine healthy. In addition to obesity caused by excessive calorie supply. I will mention that he works in such a ward so diagnostic facilities under his nose. Mood..... each time after the injection I promise myself that never again but on the seventh day - another injection in the hope that this time it will be better. Well It's not easy. I omit that after the first dose 1 day: terrible heartburn, reflux and vomiting. Day 2: dizziness... like a drunken hare. 3rd day: sleep.... I had to take on demand at work because I did not understand what was being said to me. It was a Friday. I went to bed and got up on Sundays. Each subsequent injection similar scenario with the fact that the ailments are reduced, smoke six heartburn and nausea but work on "rocking" is tiring, drowsiness remains. Very tiring. but the most annoying thing is the lack of power... like a pierced balloon. There remains a problem with vision - checked by an ophthalmologist - nothing happens and problems with sharpness for three days after administration of the drug are. The effect that surprised me was a decrease in the fat mass of the viscera confirmed by imaging tests: densitometry of body mass composition, MR of the abdominal cavity. As for the appetite.... I loved to eat. I'm currently forcing myself to eat :( everything tastes different... is not good. Regardless of whether it is vegetables, dairy, meat. Drinks, the same thing: coffee, tea, juices: fu! For beer gourmets - a massacre.... I recommend considering the day of injection against productivity at work. To sum up - I will not give up. :))

Mariusz (Anonymous, 188.146.36.) 2 years ago

You are not the only one. In some, the course of symptoms is light in others it is worse. I have been using trulicity for 14 weeks, at the beginning it was bad. Poor mood, there was no vomiting or diarrhea, but belching, dry mouth constipation, and general breakdown plus dizziness. It lasted 8 weeks for me. I also wanted to give up, but I survived sugars are ok, the weight is standing still, but this is not prijotite. And returning to the side effects, yesterday I took the 14th dose and today the well-being is average, but bearable. In general, try to survive and do not give up. If you are diabetic, if you want to lose a few kilos, the decision is yours.


2 years ago

I took trulity 1.5 dose too strong turned out to be for me.vomiting I can not eat. Everything stinks like a pregnant woman.I have dryness in my mouth drinks a lot but I can not eat.losing weight will be but at what cost? After all, I will not have the strength right away. Please tell me if it will pass? 2 day and I really feel bad. The injection works a week later I'm afraid to risk.writes in the leaflet that 14 days and it will be better to give way but who can manage so much time to get tired? Am I the only one who has these symptoms?

Izzz (Anonymous, 87.239.222.) 2 years ago

After two doses of 0.75, zero side effects. On a weight of 4.6kg down after 10 days from 1 dose. Appetite zero.. I eat by force.

Julia (Anonymous, 5.173.18.) 2 years ago

I took 4 doses (2 doses of 0.75 and 2 x 1.5 mg), I feel normal, sometimes abdominal pain, after eating. Appetite normal, I even told it to grow, I still feel hunger and full of saliva. Weight almost on the spot , varies by 1 kg. I'm thinking about research because for now I do not know what you are talking about with this weight :)

Madzena (Anonymous, 94.172.161.) 2 years ago

Today I took the 11th dose of Trulicity 0.75 mg. Initially (the first 2 weeks) it is temporary heartburn, belching and fatigue. Then everything calmed down and I feel good. The only thing I have is that sometimes I have moments that I want to sleep a lot. After 2 weeks, the weight dropped 2 kg for me, and now it varies between 3-4 kg. On the scale you can not see it, but friends say that I clearly lost weight. I finally got into older skirts and dresses. I'm not very overweight, but at the age of 55 it's hard to lose even a kilo. The drug caused that I can not eat fatty foods, I eat less and I do not have to snack between meals, because I do not want to. This is the success of the drug. I want to pull the treatment to half a year and stop. I would like to lose another 3-4 kg of excess weight!

Mariusz (Anonymous, 46.204.8.) 2 years ago

Hello. Tomorrow I'm taking the 12th dose when it comes to side effects? What can I say, for two weeks it is not the worst, that is, the discomfort still persists plus belching. After what was after the start of use, it is good. Sugars ok, the weight unfortunately stands still, stopped at 109 kg and does not move despite exercise on the treadmill and diet. I don't think trulicity works the same on everyone. To be honest, I was counting on 95 kg, but if you do not have what you like ...... And seriously, the drug is supposed to treat diabetes, not obesity. Greetings to all interested in the drug trulicity.

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