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Natii (Anonymous, 91.221.89.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can I take two Dulsevia tablets at once if my doctor told me to take one in the morning and one in the afternoon?

Hi, I have a very important question and the visit only in 2 months. That I got an increased dose of Dulsevi and it is 120mg but 2 tablets of 60 mg. I also take pregabalin 75mg in the morning and evening. And the doctor told me to take one 60mg dulsevia in the morning and the second in the afternoon but I do not hide that it would be much easier for me to take these pills immediately in the morning. Is this a significant difference?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

You can meet with the use of duloxetine both in the daily and divided dose, however, depending on its size, there may be a difference in the tolerance of the preparation (a higher dose at one time), so I suggest following the doctor's recommendations and taking one tablet of 60 mg in the morning and the other in the afternoon, because such a scheme probably results from his best experience with this drug. There was certainly a specific reason why the doctor gave you such a dosage. However, if the use of doses separately would affect your regularity in the use of the drug, it is worth talking to your doctor that it is inconvenient for you - you can contact by phone or seek the advice of another specialist. The recommendation may depend on your individual health situation: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja Duloxetine (the active ingredient in Dulsevia) is well absorbed after oral administration and the maximum concentration occurs within 6 hours after taking the dose. The preparation can be booked using GdziePoLek, and then picked up stationary at the pharmacy upon presentation of the prescription: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/89259/dulsevia-kapsulki/apteki/w-warszawie

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