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Ewas (Anonymous, 5.173.232.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Does curcumin have an effect on HPV?

Good morning Is curcumin for a positive effect on HPV.

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Szymon Siudak Pharmacist

1 year ago

There are studies that show the positive effect of curcumin on inhibiting the process of carcinogenesis (cancer development) caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It should be noted, however, that these works describe studies that were carried out "in vitro", i.e. in the laboratory on isolated cells. However, their results are promising and further studies are currently being conducted, including those in which women are given globules with a dose of 2000 mg of curcumin. However, we still have to wait for the results of this work. I would like to point out that at the moment we do not have an effective drug against HPV. However, there are vaccines available on the market against the most oncogenic types of HPV, e.g. Gardasil (more information here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/88843/gardasil-9-iniekcja/apteki) or Cervarix (more information here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/16807/cervarix-iniekcja/apteki). I also encourage you to watch the video:

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