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Ewelina (Anonymous, 37.47.133.) Warszawa 1 year ago

How to make An inhalation of Benodil without a nebulizer?

Good morning. I was prescribed benodil inhalations. How else to make inhalations with this drug without a nebulizer?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Benodil is a suspension for nebulization in ampoules. It is impossible to use the drug correctly without having an inhaler with a nebulizer, i.e. an element that disperses the drug for a small mist. Achieving a nebulization effect is essential for the drug molecules to disperse to sizes that reach the airways. To use the drug Benodil it is therefore necessary to have a device, but the important information is that one of the types of nebulizers - ultrasonic - is not suitable for dispersing this drug. Usually the most universal are pneumatic inhalers. If you do not have an inhaler and do not want or cannot buy it, tell your doctor to prescribe another medicine. You can read about Benodil below: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/92180/benodil-zawiesina/apteki/w-warszawie I also invite you to watch a video on the selection of the inhaler:

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