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Marti (Anonymous, 37.225.24.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it possible to take a dose greater than 200 mg of Sertagen?

Is it possible to take a dose greater than 200mg of Sertagen? If not, do you need to change the drug to another stronger one?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The maximum recommended daily dose of Sertagen is 200 mg/day. If treatment with this dose is not effective, talk to your doctor. It can change the drug or add another, with a different mechanism of action, as a sertraline enhancement - but it is difficult for me to answer what will be appropriate in your individual case. Some sources say that in selected disease entities such as bodily dysmorphic disorder or compulsive neurosis, the dose of sertraline (the active substance of Sertagen) could be increased, but due to the risk of side effects, such a decision should be made by the doctor after careful consideration of all the pros and cons. Dose modification should not be decided on its own.

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