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Dana  (Anonymous, 188.206.111.) Warszawa 1 year ago

After what time after the start of taking Provera should prolonged menstrual bleeding subside?

Hello, the doctor prescribed me the drug provera because we have been menstruating for 3 months very abundant with clots. He stated that I had muscles and the drug would stop my menstruation. I am 52 years old. I take the tablets for 6 days and continue to blood. Is this how it should be or should I wait? I got the pills for two weeks.

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Kasia (Anonymous, 31.61.247.) 37 days ago

I was also prescribed Provera, I took about 10 tablets as recommended and stopped because I have had my period pouring out of me with clots for 20+ days. I'm wondering when it will end, because next month I'm supposed to have a hysteroscopy procedure for fibroids. Massacre, I found myself in 18% of patients with side effects of taking this drug. I regret that I took it. I will add that Exacyl does not help to stop bleeding.

Majka (Anonymous, 109.243.5.) 3 months ago

I also have the same problem. I was given Exacyl to stop the bleeding, but so far it doesn't help

Malgorzata  (Anonymous, 77.222.240.) 3 months ago

Did the bleeding finally stop because I have the same problem

Anna Pochopień Pharmacist

1 year ago

The manufacturer of the drug does not provide information on this in the summary of product characteristics. Foreign sources suggest that bleeding should subside within 5-10 days of starting treatment. If there is no improvement after this period, I suggest consulting your doctor again. I would like to add that if you do not have the opportunity to consult your doctor, you can make an appointment online via WherePoLek: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem

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