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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Hania (Anonymous, 83.8.191.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Do sperm in the mouth live a long time?

Do sperm in the mouth live long? If you swallow the semen and the next day, that is, after the whole night and day about 24 hours after swallowing, you put your finger unconsciously into the mouth and then into the vagina, is it possible that there are still sperm in the mouth. I drank and ate during the day. Is there any danger? Are they still in the mouth after about 24 hours?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The lifespan of sperm in the mouth is small (about a few to several minutes) m.in due to the presence of digestive enzymes contained in saliva, which damage them. What's more, most sperm are swallowed and broken down by digestive juices. There is no way to get pregnant by moving your fingers from your mouth to your vagina. I attach a similar thread: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/83741/jak-dlugo-zyja-plemniki-w-ustach

Birgit Marzinek 1968 (Anonymous, 88.130.218.) 5 months ago

I swallow the semen of my partner and my work colleague 2-3 times a week.
I still keep the ejaculation in my mouth for a while after cumming. After swallowing, my partner and I checked with a sperm test whether there were still individual sperm in the mouth and there were still some sperm threads in my mouth, but very likely already completely killed and decomposed by the enzymes in the mouth.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

For @Hania: Aloe vera does not impair the effectiveness of hormonal contraception. You can drink Vita Aloe while using the NuvaRing contraceptive disc.

Hania (Anonymous, 188.47.119.) 1 year ago

And can an aloe drink called Vita Aloe be written when using nuvaring? I just drank 500ml and whether aloe vera in general affects contraception because I heard that it has a laxative effect

Hania (Anonymous, 83.8.191.) 1 year ago

I put my finger in my mouth unconsciously fell asleep for 2 hours and after two hours put my finger in the vagina because it was the day I pulled out the krazek. So will swallowing sperm on Friday night cause sperm to live in the mouth on Sunday at 12 o'clock? Did eating, drinking and digesting kill them?

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