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Ciekawa (Anonymous, 91.145.137.) Warszawa 5 years ago

What is the replacement for Anticol without a prescription?

What is the replacement for antikol in over the counter

10 answers, 1 subscriber

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Igor ER (Anonymous, 82.113.99.) 2 years ago

Yes, there is a replacement. Antancol, I personally bought in Częstochowa, of course, on prescription. The composition and action of the same, it is much cheaper than anticol because at a similar price we have 50 tablets of 500mg .

Kuba (Anonymous, 37.47.228.) 2 years ago

Anticol has a swap. It is Antalcol, but it has a larger package, i.e. 50 pcs. They will give it to you at the pharmacy if you have a prescription for anticol 2x30 or ask for a prescription for ANTANCOL.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

Nie, Anticol nie ma zamiennika.

agnieszka (Anonymous, 85.221.150.) 4 years ago

a jest jakiś zamiennik anticolu?

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

Odpowiedź na to pytanie została już udzielona tuż poniżej Pani wpisu.

Agnieszka  (Anonymous, 85.221.139.) 4 years ago

Czy kupie bez recepty antikol lub zamienik

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

Anticol nie ma zamiennika bez recepty.

Aga (Anonymous, 5.173.190.) 4 years ago

Jaki zamiennik Anticolu bez recepty

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