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Mańka (Anonymous, 84.205.168.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Is Naltex only used for addictions?

When to use Naltex or only for addictions? Does it have a calming effect?silencing

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Naltex has indications in case of addiction - it is used in combination with other drugs or therapy to help patients addicted to drugs from the opioid group, but it is also used as a drug to help maintain abstinence in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Its action is based on the fact that patients no longer experience a state of euphoria after drugs, and in the case of alcoholism there is a reduction in the need to drink alcohol, which limits the desire to reach for a psychoactive agent. In this sense, Naltex will limit the patient's desire to look for a stimulant and this can be referred to as "calming down". Although cases of sedative action cannot be excluded, Naltex is not a sedative in the pharmaceutical sense of the word, and in some cases - as a side effect - even nervousness, anxiety, rapid heartbeat may appear. Naltex is a prescription medicine and should be used when your doctor tells you to. In some cases, it may use Naltex outside of registered indications. In this case, about the exact reasons for prescribing the drug and the expected effects of treatment, it is best to ask directly: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/leczenie-off-label-poza-wskazaniami In particular, off-label naltrexone is used in low doses: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/11992/adepend-czy-musze-miec-recepte-na-ldn-i-jaka-bedzie-cena

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