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Sara (Anonymous, 83.21.26.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can Complidermol be used after a kidney transplant?

I have a question about the use of Complidermol tablets. I have been a kidney transplant patient for 7 years. Are there no contraindications to the use of this preparation? I will add that it was recommended to me by a trichologist-cosmetologist.

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Lidka (Anonymous, 45.152.45.) 19 months ago

Cosmetics for sure, because why not :) I really like this lotion from them :) This is one of my favorite hair products in general and great because the application is easy with this applicator!

dominika (Anonymous, 45.152.45.) 19 months ago

You can choose cosmetics from this series - Lotion has a non-greasy formula. It works beautifully on hair, strengthens it and makes it grow faster

basia (Anonymous, 82.180.151.) 19 months ago

I bought Complidermol products to reduce hair loss, but I did not expect such effects :) I've never had such good hair condition

Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Complidermol is a preparation containing a standardized complex of lipid extricts from Pygeum africanum and Serenoa repens, which have a scientifically proven ability to inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, L-cysteine, soy isoflavonoids, biotin, vitamins B6, B5, E, zinc and iron. Among the currently available information, I have not found reports that the components of Complidermol are contraindicated in people after kidney transplantation. Due to the content of extracts with the ability to inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, I would recommend informing the doctor under whose care you are located about the use of the supplement.

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