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Weronika  (Anonymous, 85.221.153.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Why can Lorista the drug for hypertension cause hypoglycemia?

Why lorista drug for hypertension can cause hypoglycemia. What mechanism determines this? I am currently taking valsacor from the same group and I am afraid that it may also cause sugar drops even though the manufacturer did not write it in the leaflet.

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

As for losartan (Lorista), I found that it was only in 2021 that the first case of hypoglycemia and a patient without diabetes was described. I leave a link: https://academic.oup.com/jes/article/5/Supplement_1/A391/6241335 As for Valsacor, a drug containing valsartan, i.e. a drug from the same group - it cannot be ruled out that a similar situation may occur, although I could not find a case report, and there is no mention of hypoglycemia (low sugar) in the leaflet. The mechanism of inducing low sugar levels may result simply from the mechanism of action of the drug - sartans are drugs that are antagonists of prescription angiotensin II, that is, they prevent the action of angiotensin II released by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This brings with it various changes in the body, including possible changes in sugar levels. However, this is not supported by the documentation of the medicinal product. It is worth talking to your doctor about it if you still feel unwell. First of all, in such a situation, you should measure the sugar level with a glucometer and if it is below 70 mg / dl, drink, for example, 2/3 of a small juice in a carton. After 15 minutes, measure the sugar level again.

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