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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

The examples of preparations containing candesartan or valsartan do not have a record in the summary of product characteristics to cause hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycemia itself, when it is replaced in other preparations, with other substances, is an adverse reaction that can occur rarely or very rarely.

Weronika  (Anonymous, 85.221.153.) 2 years ago

Which substances from the sartan group will not cause hypoglycemia?

Weronika  (Anonymous, 85.221.153.) 2 years ago

Which sartan drugs with a similar effect as lorista will not cause hypoglycemia?

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Not all substances from the sartan group cause hypoglycemia, the drug indicated in the tags Lorista contains losartan and in fact in the manufacturer's information is entered as a side effect hypoglycemia. However, not only do not all substances cause them, but also it does not have to occur, even when it is inscribed in possible side effects. Much also depends on how diabetes is treated in a given patient. If there is a sugar level below 70 mg / dL, we follow the 15/15 rule, i.e. we consume 15 g of simple carbohydrates (e.g. less than a juice in a carton) and after 15 minutes we can sugar again. If it is still too low - we repeat. In case of frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia, please contact your doctor, perhaps there are other treatment options for hypertension or diabetes in your patient. I leave a link to an interesting video:

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