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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Wick (Anonymous, 185.175.106.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can spotting occur again when changing tablets?

Hello, I have been using Vixpo tablets for 11 months. Yesterday, the doctor, due to my malaise and irregular bleeding, recommended that I change to Sylvie 20. Can 3 months of spotting occur again when changing tablets? What does the use of sylvie 20 look like, due to the fact that the package has 20 tablets and I used 24 + 4 before them? Thank you.

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

When changing hormones to others, there may or may not be a "adaptation period" again. Each pack of Sylvie 20 contains 21 (not 20) coated tablets. The drug is therefore used in a 21+7 scheme. Sylvie does not have placebo tablets - instead, a break between packs is used. In the leaflet, in the section How to use Sylvie 20 - "When and how are the tablets taken?" you have the exact information: "The blister contains 21 tablets. On the package, each tablet is marked with the day of the week on which it should be taken. Take one tablet per day in the order indicated by the arrows on the package, every day, at about the same time, with a small amount of liquid if necessary. For 21 consecutive days, take 1 tablet per day. Then you should not take the tablets for 7 days. During this 7-day break, during which the tablets are not taken ("pause in the use of tablets"), withdrawal bleeding usually begins. This so-called "withdrawal bleeding" usually begins 2-3 days after taking the last tablet and can continue even after the start of the next pack. This means that you should always start each pack on the same day of the week, as well as that bleeding will occur on about the same days of each cycle." I enclose links that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/76334/sylvie-20-drazetki/apteki/w-warszawie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje

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