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Kaczka  (Anonymous, 95.41.109.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Am I the only one who doesn't have Saxenda?

Hi I take saxenda for two months weight 2 kilos down dose 1.2 I do not feel a lack of appetite I hoped that I will want sweetness unfortunately. Is it only this drug does not work on me . I feel disappointed doctor tells me 15 kilos to lose weight, no period, reflux I am broken by this drug I do not eat potatoes or bread

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Magdalena  (Anonymous, 77.46.38.) 2 years ago

Also so I have I take 4 weeks and nothing quite the opposite 1 kg ahead, I am disappointed and I think about discontinuing the drug.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

If you would like to see the opinions of other patients about Saxenda and their experience with this medicine, you can view them by clicking on the following link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/88452/saxenda-iniekcja/pytania As for Saxenda itself, it can be used as a supplement to a healthy diet (diet) and increased physical exertion (exercise, movement) to control body weight. Liraglutide (the active ingredient in Saxenda) controls appetite by increasing satiety and reducing hunger. Liraglutide, on the other hand, does not increase energy expenditure and does not cause weight loss "by itself". That is, if the patient does not use a caloric deficit (for example, he still eats in excessive amounts of sweets, does not increase physical activity), then the drug is not effective, since the basic mechanism of action is to reduce the desire to eat. It did not appear with you - you do not feel a lack of appetite. I understand that you have restricted certain foods (potatoes, bread), but perhaps you are still taking in too many calories and not burning enough of them. A consultation with a dietitian may be helpful in this case. In general, the evaluation of the effectiveness of Saxenda therapy is carried out after 12 weeks of using the drug - the patient should lose a certain percentage of the initial body weight. If this does not occur - there are no indications for continuing therapy with this drug. The maximum dose is 3.0 mg / day, which patients normally achieve after gradually increasing the dose from the 5th week of therapy. Your entry shows that you have been taking the drug for 8 weeks, but the dose is still 1.2 mg once a day. Perhaps you have received such recommendations from your doctor or there have been some side effects, but I draw your attention, because perhaps this is also an element that should be discussed with the person ordering this preparation. I enclose a detailed description of the preparation you are asking about: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/88452/saxenda-iniekcja/apteki I also encourage you to read the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/fakty-i-mity-o-odchudzaniu

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