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Ewka  (Anonymous, 89.242.158.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it possible that after the next dose of Pyrantelum, the child still has pinworms?

Good morning. After a week, the child took a second dose of pyrantelum. The doctor recommended giving the next dose on Wednesday, i.e. after another week from the last dose. This is a two-year-old child. He still does not sleep at night,grabs the pampers. After taking the second dose, the baby immediately turned out and I noticed one dead pinworm. But is it possible that these pinworms are still there and the child is restless and therefore does not sleep? All the time he is a mole as if something bothers him.

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Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

2 years ago

If a child has been diagnosed with pinworm, treatment should be given to all household members and strictly observe hygiene rules to avoid recurrence of infection. I understand that the doctor recommended a third time to administer the drug without performing a control parasitological examination. It is recommended to perform such an examination 14 days after the end of treatment. Re-parasitic invasion (re-infestation) is a common occurrence. It should be remembered that on the day of treatment it is necessary to clean the entire apartment very thoroughly. Changing and washing, and even boiling personal underwear, bed linen, towels, and then ironing with a hot iron. Also remember to wash the child's toys, wash the intimate areas with warm water and cut the nails short. It should also be checked whether the dose has been correctly selected for the child's weight, too low a dose may cause failure of pharmacotherapy. More about the drug and its availability Pyrantelum: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/65514/pyrantelum-owix-zawiesina/apteki

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