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JoannaU (Anonymous, 178.235.187.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does Kyleena affect SHBG levels?

Hello, can the Kyleena insert affect the SHBG level? I am 41 years old with a score of 23.40 nmol/l. The reference range for women 20-49 years old is 32.4 - 128.

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Agata Sikora Pharmacist

2 years ago

This is very possible, however, the result of the examination should be interpreted by a doctor. Low shBG concentration may be related not only to the level of sex hormones, but also, for example, to the condition of the thyroid gland, so I encourage you to consult a gynecologist or endocrinologist in case of doubt.

JoannaU (Anonymous, 178.235.187.) 2 years ago

Hi, I have an insole for 3 years and I wonder if the level of SHBG below the norm is correct and results from the fact that I have an insert?

Agata Sikora Pharmacist

2 years ago

Yes, the Kyleen insert contains levonorgestrel, which binds to SHBG globulin during distribution. During the first 3 months after the Kyleen system is installed, the shBG concentration decreases by about 30%, and then it remains relatively constant over a period of 5 years of using the system. More information about the drug can be found in the link below: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/95362/kyleena-przyrzad/ I also recommend entries: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jakie-leki-oslabiaja-skutecznosc-antykoncepcji

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