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Elementy  (Anonymous, 37.225.45.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to use and how does Orgametril work?

I have to start Orgametril therapies for hormonal endometrial hyperplasia. The recommendation is a treatment from the 5th day of the cycle for 21 days of 2x1tablet and 7 days of break. Should I use the tablets at equal intervals of 12 hours? Is the mode of action of the drug the same as contraceptive pills and menstruation occurs due to discontinuation of pills? I haven't used hormones for 18 years and it's hard for me to figure it out.

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Karolina Żułtaszek Pharmacist

2 years ago

According to the available information, in the event that you have to use Orgametril 2 times a day 1 tablet for 21 days, the most beneficial will be the use of tablets every 12 hours. As for the second part of the question, the mode of action is similar to single-component contraceptive pills (containing only the gestagen component) - the drug inhibits ovulation and endometrial hyperplasia. Discontinuation of the drug for 7 days allows you to reduce the concentration of progestins in the body, as a result of which bleeding occurs. More information about the action and availability of Orgametril can be read at the following link: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/57815/orgametril-tabletki/apteki

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