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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kika (Anonymous, 188.33.248.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Should I use 3 tablets of Glucophage 500 mg at a time or divide during the day?

Part of the girl I start taking glucophage 500mg tablets for the first week I have to take one tablet a day for the second two and for the third 3 and with three already remains my question whether these two and three tablets take at once or must there be some time interval?? thank you in advance

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Metformin, i.e. the immediate-release drug Glucophage (i.e. not a preparation with the note XR) is usually used in divided doses. Typically, the starting dose is 500 mg or 850 mg metformin 2 or 3 times a day during or after a meal. If the patient uses 2-3 g of metformin per day, then it is usually taken in divided doses of 1000 mg. The maximum dose of metformin per day is 3 g in 3 divided doses. Much depends on what effect the doctor prescribing your drug wanted to achieve - whether the problem occurs rather with sugars on an empty stomach, or the general "resistance" of tissues to insulin, or maybe after meals. In my experience, XR preparations are rather used in one dose per night, and immediately-release preparations - for meals. However, the best answer will be given by your doctor here, because he knows your results and metformin treatment plan best. I leave a link to a video that may interest you:

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