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anonim (Anonymous, 213.134.173.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I use a 30G x 8mm needle for Saxendy? What does "G" mean?

Can I use a 30G x 8mm needle from Novofine for Saxenda? I know that the manufacturer recommends at least 32G, but what are the consequences of using such needles?

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

1 year ago

According to information from the manufacturer, the pen is intended for use with disposable NovoFine or NovoTwist needles up to 8 mm long (i.e. you can also use 5 mm or 6 mm needles) and a thickness of 32 G (which means that they can also be needles of a different thickness). The smaller the "G", the larger the outer diameter of the needle. The higher the G number, the thinner the needle. For example: 32G is the thinnest needle, with a large internal diameter, 30G/31G are universal needles, 29G a little thicker, for people with "harder skin". Needle manufacturers are trying to reduce the thickness of the needle walls, which with the same outer diameter will result in a larger diameter of the drug flow, and thus a faster flow of the drug and a reduction in injection time. The differences between the value of e.g. 32G or 30G are minimal. The differences are mainly intended to increase patient comfort, but using a 30G needle instead of 32G will not cause the drug not to be administered. I send a link to sample needles: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/54708/novofine-igly-do-penow-insulinowych-igla/apteki#internetowe https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/48855/igly-do-penow-bd-micro-fine-plus-igla/apteki#internetowe

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