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Bartek (Anonymous, 192.162.151.) Polska 2 years ago

What is this strain of Cannabis Flos THC 8%, CBD 7% (Canopy Growth)?

Hi I have a question what is this strain of Cannabis Flos THC 8%, CBD 7% (Canopy Growth)?

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Albert Jeznach Doctor

2 years ago

Cannabis Flos THC 8%, CBD 7% (Canopy Growth) is a hybrid strain with a predominance of sativa genotype. There are many common names for this variety of hemp: CBD Skunk Haze, Skunk Haze or Penelope. Depending on the environmental conditions, the variety may contain different cannabinoid contents from a few percent CBD and THC to several percent THC with a low CBD content. Skunk Haze has a wide range of medical applications, in particular in relieving pain, it also has an anxiolytic and relaxing effect. Due to the predominance of the sativa genotype, it can have a mild stimulating effect and support concentration. The dominant terpenes are: Alpha-Pinene, Myrcene, Beta-Caryophyllene D-Limonene. With vaporization, a sharp herbal aroma is characteristic.

Albert (Anonymous, 31.60.97.) 2 years ago

Apparently a hybrid, and the name of the variety is "penelope" . Replacement for Aurora 8/8

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