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Ewelina  (Anonymous, 195.136.227.) Warszawa 2 years ago

I am being treated for gestational diabetes. Can Urosept cause fluctuations in blood glucose levels?

Good morning, I am pregnant, I have gestational diabetes, evening insulin. I am currently taking urosept 3x2 due to the numerous bacteria in my urine. Can this medication raise blood sugar levels? Suddenly, I have high sugar levels on an empty stomach and after eating, it wasn't there before. Best regards

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Anna Pochopień Pharmacist

2 years ago

The Urosept documentation does not list fluctuations in blood glucose levels among the side effects. However, the manufacturer declares that the drug contains sucrose, which is sugar and can raise blood glucose levels. However, it is not obvious whether your sugar fluctuations are the result of using Urosept. If, after discontinuation of the drug, fluctuations in glucose levels persist, it will be necessary to consult a doctor. You can also arrange it online via GdziePoLek: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja I will also add that instead of the drug Urosept you can use herbal infusions containing a composition of diuretic herbs that do not contain sugar, e.g. Urosan Fix: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/49038/mieszanki-apteczne-urosan-fix-ziola/apteki

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