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Ajs  (Anonymous, 5.173.151.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is a panic attack, palpitations, cold chills, numbness of the leg a cause for concern during Zoloft treatment?

It takes zoloft 75mg from 2 weeks. Previously, I took 2mce sertranorm 50mg. Yesterday I had a panic attack, palpitations, cold chills, leg tremors. If I take such medications, can there still be seizures? I don't think they should. Maybe you need a different drug or increase the dose?

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semła (Anonymous, 188.252.106.) 2 years ago

Unfortunately, despite the increase in dose, the condition is still the same :( I will have to consult this at the visit. There were also such unpleasant "butterflies" in the abdomen as before the exam

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

What counts is the fact that the dose is increased by the attending physician. It takes some time again before the body gets used to the new dose.

Ajs  (Anonymous, 5.173.151.) 2 years ago

When it comes to psychotherapy, I am waiting for a deadline in cognitive-behavioral therapy

Ajs  (Anonymous, 5.173.151.) 2 years ago

Thank you for the information. He does not take two medications. I took 2mce setranorm and now from 2 weeks I have zoloft because so prescribed me the attending physician. The initial phase of treatment is 2.5mca? Does it count again after taking a second drug in a higher dose?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Zoloft and Sertanorm contain in their composition the same active substance - Sertraline. Please do not take them at the same time, because it threatens with an overdose, i.e. taking a higher dose of the substance than appropriate for the health, weight and age of the person. Probably the doctor wanted to increase the dose from 50mg to 75mg. All necessary information on dosage will be provided by your doctor. The symptoms described by you are characteristic of the initial phase of treatment. They also appear after increasing the dose. Please bear in mind that the treatment of difficulties in the area of psychological functioning only with the help of pharmacological agents carries the risk of worsening symptoms under discontinuation of drugs and shortly after. Pharmacotherapy only supports treatment, usually affecting only the symptoms. Proper treatment is psychotherapy, which deals with the causes and is designed to lead the patient to healthy functioning, also without the use of medications. If you have not undertaken (apart from taking medication) psychotherapy, I encourage you to make an appointment with an appropriate specialist.

Ajs  (Anonymous, 5.173.151.) 2 years ago

I will add that the attack was at night. I was home alone

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