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Patkaaa (Anonymous, 37.225.93.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can the bleeding be caused by the fact that I cannot tolerate the Mirena IUD?

Hi 10 msc ago I gave birth to a daughter by cc in March I put on an IUD Mirene since then I had intermenstrual spotting but they were delicate and passed quite quickly from that month I have so that the period passes a week of calm and re-bleeding I was at the gynecologist to check the IUD was done ultrasound and the insert lies perfectly. Can it actually be caused by the insert that my body does not tolerate it. I'm already starting to worry that this is something serious. Please help

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The Mirena system can cause various types of changes in menstruation, such as: spotting (slight blood loss), shorter or longer bleeding, scanty or intense bleeding or lack thereof. According to the documentation of the drug, for the first 3 to 6 months after the mirena system is put on, in addition to menstrual bleeding, there are frequent spotting or minor bleeding in a large group of patients, and in some women menstrual bleeding may intensify or last longer than usual. After this time, however, the intensity and abundance of bleeding should decrease. The Mirena system is used to treat excessive menstrual bleeding. If this does not happen, or if there are sudden changes in the menstrual cycle (e.g. menstrual bleeding is scanty or absent, and then suddenly there is persistent bleeding or pain, or intense bleeding begins) then the patient should contact a doctor. The purpose of such a consultation is not only to check the position of the IUD, but also to exclude problems with women's health. If an ultrasound examination was performed and the doctor did not notice anything disturbing, then perhaps the cause is actually the individual reaction of your body to the system. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/wkladki-domaciczne

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