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Anna (Anonymous, 83.7.35.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I remove the Nuvaring disc 4 days ahead of time to speed up the bleeding?

Can I speed up menstruation using Nuvaring? I assume Nouvaring systematically every 21 days at the same time. Can I howl it four days earlier? And after removing the disc earlier, will the contraceptive effectiveness be preserved? ( because of the holiday I would like to speed up menstruation ) I asked such a question and the pharmacist answers how I can delay. I want to speed up menstruation !!!!

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

You can remove the disc 4 days earlier and apply the next disc after 7 days from removing the previous one, then you will accelerate the withdrawal bleeding. If the interval between the discs is not more than 7 days, protection is preserved. The manufacturer states the following information: "If the patient suspects or is sure that NuvaRing has been outside the vagina for more than 3 hours during the third week of use, the contraceptive effectiveness of the NuvaRing vaginal therapeutic system may have decreased. The patient should discard this vaginal therapeutic system and wait until withdrawal bleeding occurs and establish a new vaginal therapeutic system no later than 7 days (7x24 hours) after the removal or spontaneous prolapse of the previous NuvaRing vaginal therapeutic system. Note: This procedure can only be adopted if NuvaRing has been used continuously for the last 7 days."

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