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Pytamioczekujeodpowiedzi (Anonymous, 89.78.149.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Is anything known about the raw material Cannabis flos S-LAB THC 18%, CBD ≤ 1%?

Cannabis flos S-LAB THC 18%, CBD ≤ 1% - such a product appeared in the register of pharmaceutical raw materials. Is anything known about him? Can the manufacturer ask the manufacturer when it will enter the market?

132 answers, 5 subscribers

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To use the herbs, you need a vaporizer:

Certified and affordable. This is a medical device. Use it as instructed.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

7 hours ago

I am attaching a link to our new post about medical marijuana strains, booking options and plans for new deliveries of dried cannabis to pharmacies:


Response removed because: duplicates existing content.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

We have information from the Medicare wholesaler that a new shipment of S-Lab 18/1 dried herbs should be expected in the first half of December this year.

Tadek  (Anonymous, 46.134.175.) 9 months ago

@mario I had that too. I thought that my baba wanted to f*** because somehow I didn't think much. I even started to tremble at her. But she invited me to the back room where she had a scale - she weighed and everything was OK. I didn't go there anymore because I was stupid :P
As for the S-lab, it can be, but I heard that the drought of Aurora and Spectrum is much better, but apparently it is very hard to get. And these varieties are important - apparently they work differently. In general, now he buys from a guy in Tarnobrzeg in Cefarm. Mega knowledgeable guy. A real profession - knowledge and advice at a very high level. As someone from the area I recommend it.

mario (Anonymous, 212.96.230.) 11 months ago

I bought cannabis flos s-lab in the germini pharmacy chain and I didn't get it in its original packaging, but in a regular plastic container. Unfortunately I don't have weight, could I have been incised?

jasiek (Anonymous, 165.225.206.) 12 months ago

Hey. I bought for the first time and realized that baba wants to trick me. I'm kumaty, so not with me these numbers :) I saw that my eyes lit up as at first I began to wonder, but in the end I did not let myself be made in bambuko :)

nom) (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 13 months ago

@jasiek I do not accuse anyone, but we all know that the package of 10g is a bit more than 10g, due to the stems, leaves, etc., so when you buy the whole package, there should be no question of any repacking, because with many pieces the pharmacy can still earn extra money when pouring (so do not let yourself be done in the ciula)

jasiek (Anonymous, 165.225.206.) 13 months ago

Baba in the pharmacy I have the impression that she wanted to trick me and pick me up. He says: repack you? And me: but for what. She: in the standard we should repack and add the packaging. And me: how much is the packaging? She: 7 zł. I say: I don't need repacking. Then baba releases the goods, deletes without additional packaging and does not give this packaging or container. She was looking for a naïve.... Unless she forgot to give. XD

nom) (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 13 months ago

In other words, for someone more demanding - it does not improve appetite (it already falls off in many patients, e.g. with cancer) and has a weak aroma

kris (Anonymous, 165.225.206.) 13 months ago

I recommend Master Kush :) There is no munchies, red eyes, luzik is. :) And that's about it. Vaporization is great, it does not stink of smoking, only pluses, the herb does not wear out so quickly. It's 15 grams I will have for a minimum of 2 years at my rate of consumption :)

dziwna sprawa (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 13 months ago

If no one buys out, it goes to waste, but s-lab is probably lying in pharmacies anyway

Vandeta (Anonymous, 89.64.6.) 13 months ago

And then what? Because I took JH 15g for example and I do not like this variety. And I would prefer 5g for a trial. But so that later I do not have to buy it further, for example. And what goes 10g from the pharmacy to waste as no one will just want 10g? Or I won't come back for it?

MuslimPL  (Anonymous, 89.64.62.) 13 months ago

In Krakow I know 2 such pharmacies that can easily spend 3g PK 3gMK 3g JH etc etc

dziwna sprawa (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 13 months ago

@Popo yes, of course it is possible and it is done so. sometimes I bought at the same time, for example, 5g PK and 5g MK. Only not all pharmacists want to do it / the pharmacy does not have containers, etc. that's why you need to find a place where they will easily divide you, I recommend calling.

Popo (Anonymous, 31.60.83.) 13 months ago

Have you heard about the possibility of buying several different varieties as part of the 15g recipe? So, for example, 10g Pink and 5g Mango? Is it possible that some pharmacies do this?

popo12 (Anonymous, 31.60.83.) 13 months ago

Does the choice of variety affect its freshness? I mean, are all varieties replenished regularly, or, for example, if the variety first entered half a year ago and is still available, it is 100% a sunbed from the first delivery?

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 14 months ago

@nowak - in addition, it is worth supplementing the therapy with CBD and CBG oils;) as for the dosage, you need to test and feel what combination of THC, CBD, CBG and at what times of the day the Lord works best;) there is no rule here, i.e. you can draw some general conclusions and direction of therapy, but as you were probably informed, this therapy is extremely individual and comprehensive :)

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 14 months ago

@nowak - Cannopy 20% THC (BakerStreet) - unfortunately it will be available only at the end of May :| Of course, with caution (lime 50mg = 0.050g and see how it works) if you have not previously used dried herbs with a high concentration of THC ;)

nowak (Anonymous, 85.89.168.) 14 months ago

What do you recommend for calming down? Neuroses, calming down - analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect also needed.

Zielony Ludek (Anonymous, 87.239.222.) 14 months ago


Pacjent (Anonymous, 31.61.180.) 14 months ago

Once again I recommend Masterkush Ps, I agree with Eloczterydwazero

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 14 months ago

@Szymon - if Master Kush is really much better than Pink Kush, Mango and Jacek Harer (so far there are a lot of positive opinions about MK) of this manufacturer, then maybe in the future I will be tempted, but for now I spent on S-Lab BAN temporary, until I do not recognize that the situation with quality has established itself ;) I just don't want to take part in some health lottery and hope to get a good batch of :) For now, the stability of my therapy depends on the supply of Aurora and Spectrum ;) (and unfortunately you can not see new deliveries :| ) Kisses

Szymon (Anonymous, 83.230.45.) 14 months ago

I also think I was lucky, or maybe low expectations because this is my first purchase of medical marijuana. I paid 758 zł in Katowice. I admit that I did not know what to expect, but I have nothing to complain about.

eloczterydwazero (Anonymous, 83.243.32.) 14 months ago

I don't understand why some people cling to s-lab so much. I think I'm lucky, because a few weeks ago I bought dried products from this company - Master Kush. I am satisfied with the action because I see an improvement in my health. I have no objections to the appearance or aroma. The raw material is dry, but it is enough to buy a humidity regulator to improve this parameter. In the future, I will definitely want to continue therapy with this preparation. I paid 843zł for 15g in Wola Park, if someone bought cheaper in Warsaw, let me know in the comment :)

Agata (Anonymous, 31.60.237.) 14 months ago

Hello, I have prescribed this variety, should I request a change to another variety? As for the first time, you do not want to expose yourself to such a large expense if it turns out to be of poor quality than other available.

pole wymagane (Anonymous, 198.8.85.) 14 months ago

Of course, a good product will defend itself. Once fooled, they will not come back again

MuslimPL  (Anonymous, 89.64.62.) 14 months ago

It is enough that there is continuity in the availability of dried Aurora and Spectrum and s-lab will go into oblivion ....

piewca prawdy o s-lab (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 14 months ago

With so many state regulations, we get droughts of such poor quality, which says a lot about the advisability of bans and prohibition. I suspect that 95% of people would grow better quality cannabis than this Portuguese waste from tilraya. Make other patients aware and do not overpay for poor quality droughts - this is the only way we can fight it.

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 14 months ago

@Dudalinka - I forgot to add about such a drug for obesity as: FUKOKSANTHIN ;)

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 14 months ago

@Dudalinka - if I do not want to eat too much for the night, I clog my stomach with rice wafers, but this is mainly after GTH, i.e. Aurorka 22 ;) You can always approach the problem of weight gain differently and start eating a natural antidiabetic drug, i.e. WHITE MULBERRY, which blocks the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of sucrose to glucose, which enters the bloodstream, and excess glucose in the blood (mainly permanent) is harmful, and besides, it is aggregated into fat ;) Generally, excess sugar = weight gain, and mulberry helps us so that too much of this sugar despite greed does not get through ;) In addition, it is worth taking care of the liver: silymarin, artichoke, turmeric, dandelion, etc.

s-lab sie nie nadaje (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 14 months ago

@Xxxxxxxx well, you can see some strange comments as if straight from the keyboard of an S-Lab / Tilray employee. May this grass expire, because it is not suitable for medical applications.

Xxxxxxxx (Anonymous, 89.66.178.) 14 months ago

They try to chase customers, but this is not where they had to start. 1. Quality 2. Price And not stupid patting the same slogans. S-lab gave the body and as I wrote earlier, customers quickly verify the above and nothing here will help the square. They will roast themselves in the field near Opole

s-lab sie nie nadaje (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 14 months ago

@pacjent okay, maybe Master Kush is a bit better quality, but just today I bought Red and it's a different world people, beautiful tops, beautiful fragrance, S-Labs and Tilray Blueberry are hiding.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

To @Dudalinka: Are you sure that this is a recipe for oil, do not dry?

Dudalinka (Anonymous, 46.204.12.) 14 months ago

I have a prescription for s lab oleum 18% . I need an analgesic effect, but I'm worried about this appetite because I'm already overweight. Help because I see that I am a hundred years behind the Negroes

Pacjent (Anonymous, 31.61.187.) 15 months ago

If someone writes that S-Lab does not keep quality and push people crap throw into the insight Masterkush S-Lab 18%, the second variety of the S-Lab series earlier I had Pink Kush I was also impressed and when it comes to healing effects; sleeping pills, cibolowo, relaxing, etc. all a plus

Ziom (Anonymous, 5.173.10.) 15 months ago

This aurora 20 from the picture below does not look like L.A confidential . Is it another variety called aurora 20? For comparison, I throw L. A confidential purchased for autumn 2022 .

Vandeta (Anonymous, 89.64.11.) 15 months ago

MuslimPL why do you write that it is interesting? In what respect? 927zł yesterday I left for it in the pharmacy. Is it so disjointed?

MuslimPL  (Anonymous, 89.64.62.) 15 months ago

You are welcome

wieszjak (Anonymous, 178.43.245.) 15 months ago

@MuslimPL - what is the Aurora batch number 20% ?

MuslimPL  (Anonymous, 89.64.62.) 15 months ago

And these are photos of the new party of aurora 20%

MuslimPL  (Anonymous, 89.64.62.) 15 months ago

You pay 930 zł is interesting because I bought in Krakow for 770.94 15 g JH

Vandeta (Anonymous, 89.64.6.) 15 months ago

TeHaCjusz, it's interesting because this drought has a smell like from a field under a cloud... so specific. Do you think they're seriously banging on the outside of a medical crop? This is rather poor. I am curious how much the manufacturer charges for such packaging. Because these 930zł is a good naginka. And who fucks us like that?

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 15 months ago

@Vandeta - it looks a bit like the Portuguese actually led hybrid crops and had some of their crops outdoor, which should result in much lower prices (which we will not experience in pharmacies), than from under the lamps, the rest in my opinion is all the medical drought should be from under the lamps and clones - conditions and thus the final product is to be repeated, Especially in the case of how they "call" for these herbs a pile of high (dealer market price, or coincidence? Some will say that the gate is 30pln, but it will never be 1,000g, only 0.800g or less, for example, I give) as if with the addition of gold were, everyone who played in cultivation knows how much it costs, and their "norms" in which they do not fit is not a problem, because they will make oil out of it, or push to coffików ;) They will never lose ;)

Vandeta (Anonymous, 89.64.11.) 15 months ago

Marco, as far as the smell is concerned, it is like self-seeding badly dried and pounds with wet grass and some pepper at the end. In appearance it is ok, but there is no shawl. Plus that there is none. Mega minus for hopeless packaging? What the hell is it supposed to be that the medical is in plastic, or worse in a ziplock bag? It's hard to give glass? The regulator will add each one in its own scope. The taste is the same as the smell or worse because it faded, with the feeling of such menthol. The action will be good. But how with taste for everyone can be different. We'll see how it will be with the regulator, maybe something will improve. Plus a change to a glass jar. The weight agrees 15g with the reserve. Price 927zł. Dearly...

marco polo (Anonymous, 83.23.236.) 15 months ago

In my opinion, JH from S-Lab should not have the status of dried medical raw material...

MuslimPL  (Anonymous, 89.64.62.) 15 months ago

And czt someone has already dealt with the new party Aurora 20%? You can ask for some photos

MuslimPL  (Anonymous, 89.64.62.) 15 months ago

@TeHaCjusz after opening the package I was not satisfied with the smell but the day in the jar with bioveda revived, so to speak, fragrance notes, I do not know if it is not wiena packaging in which they serve us S-Lab So it definitely works on me stimulating with the finish of total czilu but I think there is no point in writing about the action because it will probably work differently for everyone When it comes to taste, smell is 100% smells and tastes like JH

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 15 months ago

@@MuslimPL - and how is this JH from S-Lab, i.e. the intensity of the fragrance compared to other S-Lab, or Auror, Cannopy; what fragrance notes dominate, such as taste, duration of action, profile/direction of action, etc.

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 15 months ago

@MuslimPL - just something else suits everyone (I agree about the first Auror 20 ;) - I gave what the Danes serve us, because the fact Aurora 20 from Canada was a pulp - it's strange that they do it from clones and European parties are some weaker), depending on the disease, I forgot to mention a very important factor, namely the distribution of cannabinoid receptors in the brain, This therapy is also adapted to the patient, at least it should be ;)

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