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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kasia (Anonymous, 46.204.76.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I take Saxenda at a dose of 0.6 mg when I can already see the effects?

Hi, if after the dose of 0.6 I see the effects, can I accept it as long as possible? However, do three from week to week increase the dose?

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

For Saxenda, the maintenance dose is 3 mg. For various reasons, the doctor may recommend a different, individual dosage. It is worth knowing that despite the fact that the effect is currently visible, it does not mean that it will last. Much also depends on the patient's involvement in the treatment, because I remind you that the drug should be used in combination with a permanent change in eating habits, a diet with adequate calorie content and regular physical activity. I remind you of the need to change needles regularly. Needles can be ordered using where, e.g.: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/48855/igly-do-penow-bd-micro-fine-plus-igla/apteki#internetowe

Лола (Anonymous, 84.54.122.) 6 months ago

Is it possible to stay on a maintenance dose of 1.2 saxenda? I got my weight back

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