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Mała (Anonymous, 78.88.104.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I use Dalacin and Oekolp together, what distance should I keep?

Can I use Dalacin vaginal cream and Oekolp vaginal cream . If so, what should be the break.

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Aleksandra Berdys Pharmacist

2 years ago

The creams recommended for use are used vaginally. There is no interaction between them. However, you should not apply both substances at the same time (at the same time). I have not received information on how it was recommended to use at Mrs. Oekolp. How long does the treatment with this drug last, do you take it every day? According to the Summary of Product Characteristics, Oekolp dosage: In the case of atrophic lesions of the lower genitourinary tract, 0.5 g of cream (1/2 of the applicator volume) is usually used daily for the first weeks (maximum 4 weeks), then the dose is gradually reduced to 0.5 g of cream (1/2 of the applicator volume) twice a week. If necessary, the dose can be exceptionally increased to a maximum of 1 g per day (the entire volume of the applicator, which corresponds to 1 mg of estriol). This dose (1 g of cream per day) should not be exceeded If you have a recommendation to "use daily" Oekolp cream, then it is best to apply Oekolp in the evening before going to bed, and Dalacin in the morning. Oekolp belongs to a group of medicines called hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It contains the female sex hormone estriol (estrogen). An indication for its use is to relieve irritation and vaginal dryness caused by a decrease in sex hormones in postmenopausal women. We use Oekolp systematically for a long time. Dalacin cream is indicated for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Use is once a day for 7 days. Due to the fact that Oekolp will be used at night, Dalacin proposes to apply in the morning. More information about medicines: Oekolp - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/55771/oekolp-krem/apteki Dalacin- https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/21074/dalacin-krem/apteki I encourage you to read the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-stosowac-preparaty-ginekologiczne https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/htz-hormonalna-terapia-zastepcza-w-menopauzie

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