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Justyna (Anonymous, 157.25.165.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to know that Medikinet CR works?

Good morning, the daughter has been taking Medikinet CR 30 for 1.5 months, apparently this drug was supposed to stimulate her to action. How can you know that it works? Somehow I don't see the difference. The psychiatrist said that after taking it, she would be more motivated and stimulated to act. Is it possible that it may not work for it at all? Or maybe it does not work because it still takes Asentra 100? Someone told me that she should swallow a pill and eat a breakfast high in protein for the drug to work. Please iform

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The drug Medikinet CR is intended for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - these are the registered indications for the use of this preparation. You can expect improvements in terms of increasing attention span, improving concentration and reducing impulsive behavior. The drug should be taken during or after breakfast (if it is taken once a day - applies to children) or during or after breakfast and after a meal eaten in the afternoon (if it is taken twice a day - adults). Taking the capsule during or after meals is important for obtaining a delayed and prolonged effect. The capsules can be swallowed whole with water. You can also open the capsule, pour its contents into a small amount (tablespoon) of grated apple or yogurt and take it immediately. If after 1 month of treatment the patient's state of health does not improve, you should inform your doctor about it. If you do not see a difference after 1.5 months of use, this is the case when you should consult a doctor The combination of Medikinet CR and Asentra may cause the side effects to worsen, so it is important that both medicines are used under the supervision of a single doctor who will supervise the patient's reaction and react in the event of side effects. However, Asentra does not render Medikinet CR ineffective. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/47476/medikinet-cr-30-mg-kapsulki-o-zmodyfikowanym-uwalnianiu/apteki/w-warszawie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/adhd

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