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Lena (Anonymous, 91.231.25.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I use Olfen 75 SR if I took an injection of Diprophos 2 days ago?

Can I use Olfen 75 sr at the same time if I took an injection of diprophos 2 days ago? The doctor prescribed me poltram combo 375 but it does not help me, what other analgesic can you take?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The combined use of Olfen SR and Diprophos increases the risk of irritation, inflammation and even ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa. This can be particularly dangerous if the patient suffers from gastric and duodenal ulcers, or other inflammatory bowel diseases. If you experience nausea, vomiting resembling coffee grounds, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, blood in the stool, tarry stools, or other disturbing symptoms - please contact your doctor. Poltram Combo is an opioid painkiller. It is a powerful drug, belonging to the so-called second stage of the analgesic ladder. Much stronger than Olfen SR. It also does not interact with Diprophos. So if it did not bring you relief, I encourage you to make an appointment with the attending physician, who will adjust the treatment according to your current clinical condition. I enclose a detailed description of the preparations you are asking about: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/56590/olfen-75-sr-tabletki-o-przedluzonym-uwalnianiu/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/63136/poltram-combo-tabletki-powlekane/apteki

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