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Zuzu (Anonymous, 91.227.219.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Why after laser (laser photon) treatment of stress urinary incontinence should be refrained from intercourse for 7 days?

Hello why after laser (laser photon) treatment of exertive urinary incontinence can you have sex only after 7 days? What happens if a woman has had sex beforehand?

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The procedure consists in shrinking the walls of the vagina with laser beams. During the procedure, the laser beam illuminates the vaginal vestibule, the anterior wall of the vagina and the urethral outlet. Collagen fibers are stimulated, through this action there is a correct arrangement of the urethra. After the procedure, the tissues need time to regenerate, because of this, you should refrain from intercourse for a certain period of time after the procedure. Intercourse immediately after using the laser can lead to mechanical damage to the affected tissues, which is probably why it is contraindicated for 7 days after the procedure.

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