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Dorota (Anonymous, 31.41.145.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Did I do the right thing by taking Skudexa in the morning and Tramal and Dicloberl suppositories in the evening?

Hi I have problems with ķregoslupem today I had a terrible day barely walked in the morning I took skudexe something there worked but poorly at work was terrible after returning in the evening I took tramal and dicloberl suppository if I did well

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Agata Sikora Pharmacist

2 years ago

All three medications given should be used as directed by the doctor who prescribed them. Skudexa contains tramadol (75 mg) and dexketoprofen (25 mg) as active substances. The usual dosage is 1 tablet every 8 hours, the drug reaches its maximum concentration after 30 minutes, so relief should be felt quickly. Tramal comes in different doses: 50 mg, 100 mg, as well as in the form of drops, where you could take another dose and contains tramadol, which was previously taken in Skudex. Dicloberl in suppositories contains diclofenac, a drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - previously a drug from this group was taken in Skudex. There is a sufficiently large interval between taking the medications (I estimate about 12 hours), so they do not interact with each other that would intensify their side effects, but the drug taken in the morning and the drugs taken in the evening have a very similar effect - I hope that the analgesic effect will be better. The form of diclofenac administration in the suppository may be crucial here. If you do not observe a satisfactory analgesic effect after using such strong drugs, I recommend consulting a doctor and physiotherapist, analgesics should be taken temporarily, and not constantly due to side effects as a result of chronic use (e.g. irritation of the gastric mucosa as a result of using NSAIDs) and the phenomenon of tolerance when using tramadol.

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