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Mariusz W (Anonymous, 83.4.68.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I use the combination of THE SFD Licorice Selenium Zinc supplement and the Glutamine Recovery Amino supplement with Welbox?

Hi, can I use supplements: SFD Licorice (licorice extract 250mg, zinc + selenium) and glutamine recovery amino (L-glutamine taurine) together with anxiety bupropion (wellbox 150) And it will not affect the effect of the drug?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

There have been no contraindications to the combined use of the SFD licorice Zinc + Selenium supplement with Welbox: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/105737/welbox-tabletki-o-zmodyfikowanym-uwalnianiu/apteki However, before the combined use of Glutamine Recovery Amino with Welbox, I encourage you to consult your doctor due to the taurine content in the conditioner. Taurine has a stimulating effect on the Gaba-ergic system, which resembles the action of small doses of anxiolytics or alcohol. In addition, it affects the level of serotonin in the Central Nervous System. In the available literature, there are references to the need to "exercise extreme caution" in patients using other drugs permanently. The use of taurine extends the duration of activity along with the simultaneous reduction of the level of anxiety. More about whether drugs can be combined with each other, we wrote in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-mozna-laczyc-leki-ze-soba

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