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Joanna (Anonymous, 46.148.92.) Warszawa 2 years ago

When does diarrhea affect the effectiveness of birth control pills?

Good morning, I have doubts about diarrhea with hormonal contraception. On foreign sites writes that diarrhea during the day reduces the effectiveness of pills. Here I read that only diarrhea within 4 hours of taking zabuza. I got lost. If the tablet is taken in the morning and eg at 5 pm there is watery diarrhea, is there no effectiveness?

31 answers, 4 subscribers

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The effectiveness of hormonal contraception can be impaired by the occurrence of diarrhea (at least 3 stools of excessively loose consistency) within 3-4 hours of taking the tablet. This is due to the fact of a significant acceleration of the intestinal passage and a decrease in the possibility of absorption of the tablet taken. Diarrhea after 3-4 hours after taking the tablet does not affect the effectiveness of hormonal contraception. This means that after using the tablet in the morning (e.g. at 9 o'clock) and with diarrhea at 5 p.m., there is no risk of reducing the contraceptive effectiveness of the drug taken. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with additional materials that may be useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-zwalczyc-biegunke https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje

Pytanie (Anonymous, 46.134.84.) 20 days ago

@Mi does not reduce

miła  (Anonymous, 155.133.50.) 20 days ago

Hello, I have a question because at 6:30 p.m. I took the 5th active Vibin pill from the blister and at 9:20 p.m. I had a single semi-watery stool, does this reduce the effectiveness of contraception or should I take another pill from the blister? please reply quickly

Response removed because: is not related to the topic.

Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

32 days ago

Up to @Wass:

A single (semi)liquid stool is not diarrhea. Therefore, there is no need to take another pill, contraceptive protection is maintained. Diarrhoea is the passing of liquid or semi-liquid stool at least 3 times a day. Contraceptive protection could be impaired if diarrhoea (passing at least 3 stools of liquid or semi-liquid consistency) occurs within 3-4 hours of taking the pill.

Wass (Anonymous, 5.173.190.) 32 days ago

Hello, I have a question, if a one-time diarrhoea occurred 2 hours after taking the active tablet, is the protection maintained or do I have to take a tablet from an additional blister? And if so, when does it have to be taken because I don't have access to it at the moment and what will be the effect if I don't take an additional pill?
Please respond quickly

Ania (Anonymous, 37.248.173.) 46 days ago

Will eating bread with flaxseed that has 11% flaxseed in it weaken the effect of Vibin? I ate two slices at 1:30 p.m. and I take the pill at 8 p.m. .

Rosy (Anonymous, 81.56.197.) 47 days ago

Howdy! This evening I took the 12th minulet pill, after about 15/20 minutes I had an episode of loose stools. Can the absorption of the pill be impaired?
Thank you in advance for your reply.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

To @Liliacsky:

Taking Levonorgestrel within 24 hours after sex is still effective. If you have experienced diarrhea or vomiting within 3-4 hours after taking it, it may affect its absorption, suggesting the need for an additional dose.

In this situation, I encourage you to consult a doctor to discuss your situation, especially since you are breastfeeding. Please note that levonorgestrel should not be used more than once in one menstrual cycle.

Liliacsky (Anonymous, 121.200.6.) 2 months ago

Hi, the condom broke yesterday and I took levonorgestrel about 24 hours after at 8pm. At about 11/11:30pm I had a bad stomachache and diarrhoea (not sure if it was due to food or the pill), is 3.5 hours cutting it too close and should I take another dose? I am also breastfeeding but period has returned and looking at the calendar I might be ovulating around this time.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

To @Angelina:

Given that the diarrhoea occurred more than four hours after taking the contraceptive pill and was a one-time and non-liquid consistency, it is unlikely to affect the absorption of the drug. The absorption of the active ingredients of the tablet usually occurs within the first few hours after ingestion.

If you have any doubts, I recommend consulting a doctor. To be sure, you may want to consider using an additional method of contraception for a few days.

Angelina (Anonymous, 176.98.71.) 2 months ago

Hello, I took the coke tablet at 13:00, at 17:10 diarrhea began (but not of liquid consistency) Can this somehow affect the absorption of the tablet? Diarrhea was only once

Ania (Anonymous, 37.248.171.) 4 months ago

Everything is fine. The tablet is absorbed for up to 4 hours

Klaudia (Anonymous, 78.8.185.) 4 months ago

I don't remember exactly whether it was a difference of 4.20h or 4.50h, so was there protection in both cases? Please help

Klaudia (Anonymous, 78.8.185.) 4 months ago

And if, for example, after 4.20 hours from taking the pill I had this watery stool (I don't remember exactly because I was very tired, but I know that I took the pill), is the protection still preserved?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

To @Klaudia:

In the presented situation, contraceptive protection is maintained.

Since the watery stool occurred about 5 hours after taking the tablet, it could no longer affect the anti-prescription protection.

Klaudia (Anonymous, 78.8.185.) 4 months ago

please help, I took a pill at 11 p.m.; 10 and exactly 4 in the morning due to poisoning I had watery stool (more water than feces) 4.50 hours have passed it's been okay with the security? sylvie 20 I'm taking

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @Laura:
If diarrhea has occurred, understood as a minimum of 3 loose stools accompanied by abdominal pain, protection may be reduced. If it was 1-2 loose stools, protection is preserved. In case of diarrhoea, take a spare tablet from the blister to protect yourself.

Laura  (Anonymous, 94.254.167.) 5 months ago

Good morning, yesterday I took the 8th contraceptive pill, for 8 days of taking the pills I had neither diarrhea nor vomiting, but yesterday with taking the 8th pill after 3h I had diarrhea, does it lower the protection ?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

To @Ania:

If you have not experienced diarrhoea after taking the contraceptive pill, your contraceptive protection will be maintained.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of oral contraception may be reduced if you experience diarrhoea or vomiting within 4 hours of taking the tablet. In this case, it is recommended to take an extra tablet from a spare pack.

If you are concerned about this situation, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor who can give you more personalized advice. If you do not have the opportunity to take advantage of the advice, I am attaching a link to the online teleconsultation:

Ania (Anonymous, 188.47.117.) 6 months ago

Thank you for such a quick reply. I had diarrhea from noon, I was on the toilet maybe 3 times because of diarrhea and the last time just before taking the pill, so I was stressed even though it was before taking the pill. So if I didn't get diarrhea after swallowing the pill, the protection is completely preserved?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

To @Ania:

Having one-day diarrhoea before taking birth control pills does not affect their effectiveness. Abdominal pain also does not affect the effectiveness of hormonal contraception.

Ania (Anonymous, 188.47.117.) 6 months ago

Before taking the anti pill, which is about 10 minutes before swallowing the pill I had diarrhea, when I swallowed the pill I didn't have diarrhea anymore. Is protection maintained?

Ania (Anonymous, 188.47.117.) 6 months ago

Good morning. I had diarrhea yesterday afternoon and was in the toilet several times. I felt like my stomach hurt. At 6 p.m. I took the contraceptive pill vibin, after taking the pill the diarrhoea no longer occurred, but sometimes I felt stomach pain. Does the effectiveness of the pill work despite this stomach pain?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

Up to @Karolina: In this case, there is a risk of pregnancy. In order to exclude pregnancy, you can perform one of the pregnancy tests available in online pharmacies or stationary ones. Choosing the offer of an online pharmacy allows you to compare prices and order the preparation with home delivery or personal collection at the pharmacy. Ultrasensitive pregnancy tests include, m.in.: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/97388/pink-test-ciazowy-strumieniowy-super-czuly-domowe-laboratrium-test/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/54428/nordtest-test-ciazowy-plytkowy-test/apteki We wrote more about which pregnancy test to choose and when to do in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/test-ciazowy-jaki-wybrac-i-kiedy-zrobic

Karolina (Anonymous, 83.8.180.) 15 months ago

If intercourse is interrupted the next day, can I be pregnant? Should I do a pregnancy test?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @Karolina: According to your description, diarrhea occurred within 4 hours of taking the tablet (passing at least 3 stools with an excessively loose consistency), and this means that the contraceptive protection may be weakened.

Karolina (Anonymous, 83.8.180.) 15 months ago

Good morning, at 19.14 I took a vibin mini tablet, but before 23 I had diarrhea twice. Is the effectiveness reduced? If I was also in the toilet before, but the stool was simply looser, does this count as diarrhea? The next day I had sex once without a condom and I'm a little worried

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

Do@ Monika: In both situations there was no risk of weakening the effectiveness of contraception. Protection is maintained. The protection could be reduced if diarrhoea occurred within 3-4 hours of taking the tablet - which was not the case for you.

Monika (Anonymous, 188.47.117.) 18 months ago

Good morning. On Friday at 3 p.m. I had diarrhea, then it passed and at 7 p.m. I took a pill. I didn't get diarrhea after the pill but I got it at 3 am. Has the tablet been absorbed? The second situation where on Saturday again during the day I had diarrhea from coffee and my stomach hurt. Then it went over and I took the pill at 7 pm. After the pill there was also no diarrhea . Are the pills absorbed in these two situations? These were two prosperous active pills.

Joanna (Anonymous, 46.148.92.) 2 years ago

The point is whether this diarrhea does not know somehow damages the intestine? That diarrhea is enough at all and nothing is absorbed? Is it about these 4h

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