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Marcin (Anonymous, 37.47.210.) Warszawa 2 years ago

When will Staloral 300 507 Kot be available?

Good morning, do you know when Staloral 300 cat (code 507) but. Pods. will it be available? Regards MK

12 answers, 2 subscribers

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Angela (Anonymous, 77.45.64.) 4 months ago

Unfortunately, I'm also waiting for the vaccine to no avail, this year I only got one pack. I've tried to order from several pharmacies to no avail, the manufacturer says it's supposed to be but in fact it doesn't.

Ptaqowa  (Anonymous, 37.47.211.) 5 months ago

Today I checked on the website and it's the end of April. They also fly into balls, because they can. They have a monopoly on the market and somehow it doesn't bother anyone...

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 months ago

To @Ptaqowa:
According to information from the Farmacol wholesaler, both doses of the Staloral 507 Kot vaccine are expected to be available in mid-April this year.

Ptaqowa  (Anonymous, 77.255.13.) 5 months ago

It was supposed to be, but it isn't. My husband has been waiting for two months, there is only one dose left... A miraculous manufacturer may make this drug available after all.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

To @Mateusz:
According to the distributor, a new shipment of the Staloral cat vaccine is expected to be available at Farmacol at the end of March this year.

Mateusz  (Anonymous, 83.21.226.) 6 months ago

Is anything known about this vaccine? Because there is a problem with availability again

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

1 year ago

According to current information published by the distributor of Stallergenes Greer products, the Staloral 300 507 Cat vaccine (primary treatment) will be available in the first half of November. I encourage you to sign up for vaccine alerts by checking the "Notify new information" box on the product page: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/4240/alyostal-507-kot-plyn/apteki#news

Magda (Anonymous, 31.0.43.) 1 year ago

Is anything already known about the availability of the drug Staloral cat?

Katarzyna  (Anonymous, 89.74.33.) 2 years ago

I am waiting for information and I hope that the drug will appear.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Katarzyna: Today we have contacted the manufacturer again. As soon as we receive information about the new delivery date, it will be posted under this post.

Katarzyna  (Anonymous, 89.74.33.) 2 years ago

Good evening, is it known when the drug will be available and whether in general? She plans to desensitize her cat and that's my only hope.

Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

2 years ago

According to the distributor of Stallergenes Greer products, the Staloral 300 507 Cat vaccine (primary treatment) will be available in https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/4240/alyostal-507-kot-plyn/apteki the second half of September this year.

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