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Klara (Anonymous, 5.184.201.) Warszawa 2 years ago

I take Saxenda and have a TSH score of 0 μU/ml. Is this how it should be?

Hello, I have been taking saxende for 1.5 months, I am currently on a dose of 2.4 , my tsh score has dropped from 2.86 to 0 . Does saxenda have such an effect on the thyroid gland??

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Saxenda (liraglutide) may affect the function of the thyroid gland, but data indicate that this is most often the case for people who have been diagnosed with certain abnormalities before the treatment was introduced. Then there may be a need to change the dosage of other drugs. An effect cannot be excluded also on people who had normal results before using the drug. The TSH standard is in the range of 0.23-4.0 μU/ml. It is worth knowing that the result of TSH may be influenced, for example, by the time of taking a blood sample, other drugs used, physiological state (pregnancy, period after illness). Nevertheless, in my opinion, it is worth consulting such a result with the attending physician, who also has an insight into other test results / medical history and, if necessary, will propose further diagnostics.

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