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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Maria (Anonymous, 46.204.13.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What should I give my child instead of Nutramigen 1 LGG Complete?

I just found out in the pharmacy that they got information that Nutramigen 1 LGG Complete milk will be available only on August 10 and not August 1, so what replacement should I give the child? Because I do not know if I have to call the minister, so that so much time milk on the market was not

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

We have received information from the manufacturer that the milk is already in wholesalers and is just slowly coming to pharmacies.

Marta (Anonymous, 5.173.131.) 2 years ago

Maria in what pharmacy did you get information that the milk will be 10 ? In our they informed us about the end of the month

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

On August 1, the milk producer Nutramigen LGG Complete issued the following message to patients: "We are committed to making Nutramigen LGG Complete 1, 2, 3 products available to patients as soon as possible. Delivery is currently transported to Polish, the release of products for sale will be possible after going through the necessary internal procedures. We will keep you informed about the next steps. Thank you for your support and understanding."

Aneta  (Anonymous, 195.136.27.) 2 years ago

Najpierw 1 sierpnia , teraz 10 sierpnia a za chwile napiszą ze 20 września.. to jest skandal co się dzieje w tym porąbanym kraju ,żeby tak ważnego leku jakim jest nutramigen dla wielu dzieci chorych na alergie nie było to w głowie się nie mieści..

Mama (Anonymous, 79.163.229.) 2 years ago

With this minister it is a good idea. I am already considering such steps myself. Because as you can see, our state is not doing anything in this direction.... and children are supposed to live by air...

Julia (Anonymous, 5.172.234.) 2 years ago

Hi does anyone already know anything about nutramigen milk 2 lgg complete?

Dora (Anonymous, 5.173.148.) 2 years ago

I would also like to know

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Julia: Mlek Nutramigen 2 LGG Complete and Nutramigen LGG Lipid are not their substitutes. After analyzing the labels of both milks, I see m.in difference in the amount of protein or fat. The amounts of minerals, vitamins and DHA are also slightly different. Nutramigen 2 LGG Complete milk is adapted to the current EU standard. Due to the differences in the proportions of individual components - these milks may differ in taste. The child's reaction after their administration may also be different.

Julia (Anonymous, 5.172.236.) 2 years ago

What is the difference between nutramigen em 2 lgg complete and nutramigen 2 lipil? Could it be like a replacement?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Maria: We have just received information from the manufacturer that new batches of Nutramigen LGG Complete milk have been released for sale. The milk is expected to return to pharmacies in the first week of August this year.

Maria (Anonymous, 46.204.13.) 2 years ago

Thank you for the answer, the manufacturer recommends changing 2 to 1, but my child is on 1, and on the market there is neither 1, nor 2 or even 3 Nutramigen, so let the baby starve, because there is no product on the market, I am not the only mother with an infant with an allergy in Poland, it is sad that this is how the smallest Citizens are treated

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