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Enka (Anonymous, 213.134.160.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Should I take Escapelle if I take Levomine regularly?

I accept Levomine... I made love to my husband and there was an ejaculation inside. Those days were fertile... I use the contraceptive pill as always at 19, 20, 21 hours but I am very worried. So I don't know what to do. Is it worth using Escapelle? It's been 10 hours after intercourse

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

The interval between individual blister packs of active tablets should not exceed 7 days. This ensures that the contraceptive effectiveness of Levomine is maintained. If you took the active tablet on 8.07, you shortened the break time to 6 days. This does not affect the contraceptive effectiveness of the drug. It only changes "Day 1" and can affect the earlier occurrence of another withdrawal bleeding. At the latest, you should start a new blister on 09.07. The description shows that there is no need to use escapelle tablets.

Enka (Anonymous, 213.134.160.) 2 years ago

If I finished taking the last 21 tablets of Levomine on July 1, then the next blister I have to start on July 8 or 9?... If I started taking 1 tablet on July 8, is this the correct use? Doesn't he definitely need Escapelle?

Enka (Anonymous, 213.134.160.) 2 years ago

If I finished taking the last 21 tablets of Levomine on July 1, then the next blister I have to start on July 8 or 9?... If I started taking 1 tablet on July 8, is this the correct use? Doesn't he definitely need Escapelle?

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

If you take the tablets regularly, without skipping, you have not vomited or diarrhoea within 3-4 hours of taking the tablet and you do not use medicines that could weaken the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, there is no need to use Escapelle. Regular and correct use of Levomine ensures contraceptive effectiveness from the 1st tablet. There are no fertile days during the use of contraceptives, because ovulation is inhibited: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/43336/levomine-tabletki-powlekane/apteki I encourage you to choose one hour in which you will use the drug. The hourly range (19-21) with prolonged use of the drug is abnormal and does not qualify as "taking the drug at a fixed time". We wrote more about how to use contraception correctly in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje

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