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Nina (Anonymous, 188.33.224.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Why don't I lose weight despite using Jardianka?

I take the drug jardianki in a dose of 10mg, the doctor said that with the right diet and exercise will help me lose weight despite my diabetes,but no effects can not be seen weight did not twitch by half a year,for what?

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

The drug can help as much as possible - among other things, by improving glycemia. Better compensation of diabetes goes hand in hand with better sensitivity of tissues to insulin. And better sensitivity of tissues to insulin means its lower secretion (when we talk about type 2 diabetes). Normal insulin levels are a good step to success in weight loss. It is worth considering whether you have actually changed your eating habits and increased physical activity in the last six months. If so and after all it was not possible to lose weight, then it is worth verifying these changes again. In order for body weight to decrease, a caloric deficit is necessary - there is no other way to lose weight (that is, taking a slightly smaller amount of calories in relation to our needs). If this did not happen, then you probably did not maintain a caloric deficit. This can be the case even despite seemingly healthy food (we eat healthy, but still too much). In addition, there can be many reasons for this situation. It is worth going for a consultation to a psychonutritionist and comprehensively, honestly make another attempt. Fingers crossed! I also leave a link to a video that may interest you:

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