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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

userka (Anonymous, 213.134.173.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can Saxenda be transported by plane?

Can Saxenda be transported by plane? Is it allowed to be transported abroad or is some kind of consent required?

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Yes, you can conduct the drug by plane. All the medicines used are always taken with us on board the plane, we do not give them to the luggage compartment. The quantities of the drug, of course, can not be wholesale, only the quantity needed for your own use. If you want to be sure that no one will question the need to transport a medicine or you are going outside the EU, it is worth having a certificate from a doctor in English that the person is using the medicine. From my private experience, such a certificate has never been needed in the EU, but it is a security. I leave a link to the text in which we write more on this topic: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-mozna-przewozic-leki-za-granice and remind you to regularly change the needles in the pen. Needles, e.g. those: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/48855/igly-do-penow-bd-micro-fine-plus-igla/apteki?pvid=258011#internetowe can be ordered using GdziePoLek with collection at the pharmacy or home delivery,

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

1 year ago

The pen currently used can be outside the refrigerator for 1 month (below 30°C), so if you take 1-2 pens with you, which will be used within 30 days, there is no need to store them in the refrigerator. If it is a larger stock - it should be stored in the refrigerator. Thermal insulation bags are used only for short transport of the drug, approx. 2 hours. On the market you can find "pencil cases" for pens with cooling cartridges or mini refrigerators, which will work better for a long journey.

patrycja (Anonymous, 157.97.3.) 1 year ago

and how to transport the saxende on the plane you need to have a thermal packaging or a refrigerator for medicines or can it be transported without anything?

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