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Czarna (Anonymous, 91.230.113.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it possible to break the dose of Trulicity 1.5 mg into two smaller ones, i.e. 0.75 mg?

Hello, I got a prescription for trulicity 1.5mg with a recommendation to break this dose in half (0.75mg). I just read in the leaflet that the pen automatically gives the entire dose, is there any way to use one pen twice? I got extra needles in the pharmacy but I was not aware of the operation of the pens so I did not ask. Thank you in advance for your reply!

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Trulicity is available in semi-automatic pens. They only allow you to give a specific dose of the medicine - such as is written on the packaging and pen. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to give half the dose of 1.5 mg, or 0.75 mg, with a 1.5 mg pen - that is, it is not possible to use one pen twice. If you have to use a dose of 0.75 mg, the only way out is to buy it at the patient's request in a pharmacy with a prescription for a drug with a dose of 0.75 mg or with a higher dose. According to the current rules of prescription, the pharmacist can dispense the drug written on the prescription in a smaller dose (2 pens of 0.75 mg instead of 1.5 mg), i.e. he can dispense the drug at a dose of 0.75 mg if a pen at a dose of 1.5 mg is written on the prescription. Of course, these are general rules, the decision is made by the pharmacist dispensing the drug. If the prescription has already been fulfilled, then the drug is not subject to exchange and it remains to visit the doctor to obtain a prescription for the correct dose of the drug.

Czarna (Anonymous, 91.230.113.) 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your help. Best regards

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