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Aneta (Anonymous, 217.173.5.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What is the difference between Doxepin and Cital?

What is the difference between doxepin and Cital? That is, what their operation is.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Doxepin is a preparation with antidepressant effect, belonging to the group of tricyclic antidepressants, contains the active substance - doxepine. Its action is associated with influencing transmission with norepinephrine. Doxepine works by inhibiting the process of norepinephrine reuptake, and thus extending the time of its action in the synapse and the time of stimulation of the receiving cell. Nerve impulses are sent more often. Greater stimulation of noredrenaline-dependent cells is associated with the pharmacological and clinical effects of doxepine. It has an anxiolytic and sedative effect, and a weaker antidepressant effect and a much weaker cholinolytic effect than amitriptyline. It does not intensify psychomotor drive. Given in the evening, it makes it easier to fall asleep. The preparation is indicated for the treatment of: - depressive states with anxiety and anxiety in the course of psychoses, including involution depression and the depressive phase in bipolar disorder - depression and anxiety in the course of somatic disorders and organic diseases - depressive-anxiety syndromes in the course of alcohol disease - neurotic disorders with symptoms of depression or anxiety. I enclose a detailed description of the preparation you are asking about: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/24749/doxepin-teva-kapsulki/apteki The active substance of Cital is citalopram, a drug belonging to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the transmission of information between neurons in the central nervous system. Citalopram works by inhibiting the serotonin reuptake process, and thus extending the time of serotonin in the synapse and the time of stimulation of the cell receiving information. Nerve impulses are sent more often. Greater stimulation of serotonin-dependent cells is associated with antidepressant effects. Citalopram has no effect on the reuptake of mediators other than serotonin, nor does it have an affinity (or very weak) for non-serotonin receptors. Therefore, its action is referred to as selective. The preparation is indicated for use in the following cases: - treatment of depression and prevention of recurrence of recurrent depressive disorders - anxiety disorders with anxiety attacks with or without agoraphobia. I enclose a detailed description of the preparation you are asking about: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/17998/cital-tabletki-powlekane/apteki Please remember that pharmacotherapy only supports the treatment of difficulties in the area of psychological functioning, usually affecting only the symptoms. Proper treatment is psychotherapy, which deals with the causes and is designed to lead the patient to healthy functioning, also without the use of medications. If you have not undertaken (apart from taking medication) psychotherapy, I encourage you to make an appointment with an appropriate specialist.

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

To @Karli:
It is difficult to suggest a specific method of treatment based on such a short description. It is difficult to suggest a specific method of treatment based on such a short description. I can't find a clear answer as to which is better Doxepin or Citalopram.

Both antidepressants can be used to treat the above symptoms, however, their effectiveness and side effect profile differ:

Doxepin belongs to a group of tricyclic antidepressants (TLPDs) that have a broader spectrum of action on various neurotransmitters, including serotonin, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine. This may result in greater effectiveness, but also a higher risk of side effects such as drowsiness, memory impairment or dry mouth. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/24749/doxepin-teva-kapsulki/apteki

Citalopram, on the other hand, is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which means that it acts more selectively on the serotonergic nervous system. It typically has fewer side effects than TLPD, but it may be less effective in treating some symptoms, particularly those associated with a deficiency of other neurotransmitters. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/18004/citalopram-vitabalans-tabletki-powlekane/apteki

The final choice of medication should depend on the individual doctor's judgment. If in doubt, I encourage you to consult your doctor again. It is the doctor who decides on the possible treatment of the patient, m.in. on the basis of the patient's medical history and previous response to treatment. If it is not possible to visit the site, I encourage you to take advantage of the teleconsultation:


Karli (Anonymous, 91.249.90.) 5 months ago

Which is better for inner restlessness and nausea and loss of appetite: doxepin or citalopram?

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