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Gość (Anonymous, 89.64.111.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What should be the interval between psyllium plantain and the drug?

Is it safe to add one/two tablespoons of psyllium ziarka to a cocktail when using Yasminelle contraceptive pills? Of course, I keep the interval between a meal and taking a pill.

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Szymon Siudak Pharmacist

2 years ago

Good morning, in the case of psyllium grains, we should keep a minimum of 2-hour interval between their consumption and the use of any drug. If such a break is maintained, then you do not have to be afraid of reducing the effectiveness of the taken preparation, in this case Yasminelle. For my part, I would like to add that preparations with psyllium plantain are safe and can be used for a long time. I pay attention to remember to consume plenty of fluids, the right dose of exercise, and in the current period, if possible, to diversify the diet with fresh fruit. These activities will also have a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis. I attach links that may be useful: - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/substancje/babka-plesznik; - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/zaparcia, Regards

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