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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Ewa. (Anonymous, 95.160.157.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Will a Saxend transported in a car and later hidden in the refrigerator be suitable for use in a month?

Due to the lack of pharmacies in the surrounding pharmacies, I had to go to another city to get Saxenda. The journey lasted about 2 hours. The drugs were packed in a thermal bag, but after removing them from it, the drugs were more than the recommended 8 degrees (they had less than the environment, probably around 15 - 20 degrees). Will such drugs, put immediately in the refrigerator, be suitable for use in a month?

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

You did a great job transporting the drug in a heat-insulating bag, such as: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/87383/apteo-care-torebka-termoizolacyjna-wielokrotnego-uzytku-pojemnik/apteki?pvid=208889#internetowe This type of packaging allows for 1-2 hours of transport of the drug, e.g. home. It is difficult to assess what temperature exactly the solution in the pena had, but if the drugs did not lie in a heated car, in the sun, and after returning they were placed in the refrigerator - in my opinion there is no reason to worry. Before use, it is worth assessing whether the solution is clear, has not become cloudy, nothing floats inside. If nothing like this happened - there is hardly any reason to worry.

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