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Weronika  (Anonymous, 89.206.11.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to properly change drugs from Pramolan to Trittico CR ? Do I have to make a gap between the end of Pramolan and the start of Trittico?

Good morning The psychiatrist recommended me to change the drug from Pramolan (50 mg) to Trittico CR (1/3 tablet with the option to increase the dose to the whole tablet). Do I have to make a gap between the end of Pramolan and the start of Trottico, or can I take a new medicine the next day? I also take Seronil 50 mg, which I will give to take.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

You did not write how long Pramolan was used. So it is difficult to propose a specific method of discontinuation of the drug on the basis of such a brief description. I encourage you to make an appointment with a doctor who will adjust the treatment according to your current clinical condition. Since the effect of Pramolan does not occur immediately and mood changes disappear gradually, the medicinal product should be used systematically for at least 2 weeks, discontinuation should also be carried out gradually. The answer to a similar question is given here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/64111/pramolan-w-jaki-sposob-mam-odstawic-lek-pramolan

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