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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.


Warszawa 2 years ago

I have a question. If I use birth control pills every day...

I have a question. If I use vines contraceptive pills every day, do I always skip at the same time I take them and the intercourse is in a condom but I have a bowel movement, eg one watery when it does not pass 4 godizny from taking the tablet and also watery bowel movements after 4 hours or frequent defecation during the day affects that the tablets may be ineffective? Do I have to worry about the reduced effectiveness of pregnancy?

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2 years ago

And what if there are two or 3 watery but already when it passes 4 gdoziny and more?


2 years ago

And does frequent defecation affect the effectiveness?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Gabriela: If it is not 4 hours after taking the tablet, you are still protected even if the second one occurs when more hours have passed If these are not 3 or more loose bowel movements within 4 hours of taking the tablet - they do not affect its effectiveness. If you are still concerned about the effectiveness of the pills and additionally have frequent gastrointestinal disorders, you can discuss with your gynecologist changing the contraceptive, e.g. to patches: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/plastry-antykoncepcyjne


2 years ago

So if I have a watery stool when it does not pass 4 hours after taking the tablet, I am still protected even if the second one occurs when more hours have passed? And what if two watercuts occur when more than 4 hours have passed? And one more question whether defecation several times a day reduces the effectiveness of contraceptive pills?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

If within 3-4 hours of taking the tablet you observe diarrhea, that is, more than 3 watery stools accompanied by abdominal pain - then protection may be reduced. In your case, one loose stool within 4 hours of taking the tablet and another after more than 3-4 hours do not affect the effectiveness of contraception and protection is preserved. The pills are still effective and there is no reason for both.

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