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Magda (Anonymous, 188.146.131.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to use propranolol in case of anxiety attack?

Hello, can the drug propranolol, 10 mg I take only in case of anxiety and anxiety? What dosage is the best?

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Szymon Siudak Pharmacist

2 years ago

Good morning, propranolol is a drug belonging to the group of so-called non-selective beta-blockers. One of the indications of this drug is the reduction of situational anxiety (another name is stage anxiety) and generalized anxiety, especially of the somatic type characterized by, among others, accelerated heart rate or headaches. If in your case we are dealing with attacks of situational anxiety, the standard dose is 40 mg once a day and you take the drug only temporarily. I would like to point out that this is a standard dose, and in the case of concomitant diseases, e.g. hypertension, the dose should be individually selected with a doctor. If the situation causing the anxiety attack is predictable, for example, we have a planned occurrence, it is best that the drug is taken about 1-2 hours before it. In the case of generalized anxiety, which requires chronic treatment, the usual dose is 40 mg twice a day, although the frequency can be increased to three times a day. I would like to point out that often the use of propranolol alone in the treatment of anxiety disorders is insufficient and it is worth going for a consultation to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. I attach links that may be useful: - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/zaburzenia-lekowe-nerwica; - https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/64628/propranolol-wzf-tabletki/ulotka/17536, Regards

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