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Lika (Anonymous, 79.189.102.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can Prokit be combined with Aviomarin?

Good evening, I have a few questions about the drug prokit. Can the drug be taken while traveling after taking aviomarin or locomotiv? Can prokot be taken during deworming of a child? Please reply quickly ;)

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Olga Filits Pharmacist

2 years ago

Yes, you can, according to the current pharmacy program, there should be no harmful interactions between Prokit and Aviomarin. Please specify what medicine is used for deworming?! Of course, everyone can react differently, so it is worth keeping the time interval between the above drugs for the safety and effectiveness of therapy. I enclose additional information that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-mozna-laczyc-leki-ze-soba And information on the availability of the drug: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/64348/prokit-tabletki-powlekane/apteki#stacjonarne https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/8296/aviomarin-tabletki/apteki#stacjonarne

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