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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Jaboltron (Anonymous, 5.173.11.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Does Neurovit cause the heart to beat faster?

Hello. For two weeks I have been taking neurovit I have an accelerated heart shoe to stop taking the drug???

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

According to the information from the manufacturer (Summary of Product Characteristics), Neurovit does not cause an adverse effect such as an accelerated heartbeat, so it is unlikely that such a symptom will be caused by this drug. I leave a link to teleconsultations, which can be arranged using the following fields: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja

Anna (Anonymous, 79.184.202.) 16 months ago

I take for 3 weeks and also my heart rate in the morning is at the level of 115-120 palpitations visible to the naked eye because I mean the whole chest. At 127 I land on sor as a catycardia and what to take next? Rather not. I have been taking medication for heart and blood pressure for years and finally it was normalized and here is such a surprise.

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