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Werka2 (Anonymous, 31.0.80.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can moist air in a room with an open window affect the effectiveness of birth control pills?

I had the window open for a long time, all night, when the humidity was probably increased due to the fact that every now and then it rained slightly. I keep a pack of birth control pills in the drawer of my chest of drawers. Could something have happened to them? I take Daylette

18 answers, 1 subscriber

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Justyna Bartoń Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To my knowledge, in the described situation, the effect of moist air was too low to reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive pills in the package. I enclose a link to posts about a similar problem: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/12443/czy-kilka-kropli-wody-na-opakowaniu-tabletek-antykoncepcyjnych-moze-im-zaszkodzic https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/19013/czy-wilgoc-na-tekturowym-opakowaniu-moze-negatywnie-wplynac-na-jakosc-tabletek-an

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

51 days ago

Storing birth control pills in the right conditions is crucial for their effectiveness.

In this case, the best place in summer will be the first floor, where the temperature can be up to 30°C, but the humidity is lower (about 60%). High ground floor humidity (80%) can adversely affect drug stability.

It is recommended to store the tablets in their original packaging, in a dry and cool place, away from heat and light sources, to ensure maximum effectiveness.

abcd (Anonymous, 91.150.180.) 52 days ago

Good morning. I don't know where better to store contraceptive pills in the summer. On the ground floor it is cooler (about 23°C) and high humidity (about 80%). On the first floor, on the other hand, the temperature is close to 30°C, sometimes higher, but the humidity is about 60%.


13 months ago

So if, despite the fact that I have a window open when it is cold, for example, as throughout the night when it is 10 degrees outside, sometimes even less, it will not affect the tablets, if cigale I have so open window?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

Up to @Gabriela: Lower temperatures (10-18°C) do not affect the effectiveness of Vines tablets.


13 months ago

And if I keep the pills in the cabinet and now it is cooler outside after 18 degrees during the day at night nawey after 11, 12 degrees, if there are such temperatures and it is cold and I usually have all the time open the window and the room, can it somehow affect the vines? Because I know that higher temperatures yes, but what if there are low temperatures outside, and I have a constantly open window, so the cold is also in this room, what do I keep tablets?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @Gabriela: No, if the drug was exposed to short-term sunlight and was behind the glass - this does not affect its effectiveness. Protection is maintained.


15 months ago

And if they lay somewhere 40 minutes in a cabinet, but behind a glass on which light could fall, does this reduce their effectiveness?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @Gabriela: No, it does not disturb.


15 months ago

So if it's hot, the window is usually all day and all night, but it does not rain on the tablets because they are hidden in the cabinet, it does not reduce the effectiveness?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

For @Gabriela: Storing tablets in a room where the window is open will not interfere with their operation.


15 months ago

Good morning, what if summer has started now, I have a practically open window all day . Tablets stored in a cabinet on which it does not fall sun poniaz are hidden there is for this reason jssli all day and caps nights I have an otwatte window it can somehow interfere with the operation of the tablets if no at night is cooler and MMA open window and during the day no is hot but tableytki are not directly exposed to the sun you appear are hidden in the cabinet

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @Monika: No, the tablets are in a blister that protects them from moisture, especially in the case of short-term exposure.

Monika (Anonymous, 188.47.118.) 1 year ago

And if today I bought pills in the Vibin pharmacy and it is raining outside, can something happen because of the humidity? The pharmacist wrapped my pills in a plastic bag and I put them in a bag. I did not notice that they were wet.

Werka2 (Anonymous, 31.0.80.) 2 years ago

Thank you very much

Justyna Bartoń Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Yes, you can continue to use the tablets in this pack without fear.

Werka2 (Anonymous, 31.0.80.) 2 years ago

So I can continue to take pills from this package and others that I had in stock in the same place without fear?

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