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JaBi (Anonymous, 193.47.163.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can side effects occur after prolonged use of pregabalin and duloxetine?

After a long, over 1.5 year of pregabalin use (from January 2x150) and four months of Dutilox (60+30), can symptoms of loss of consciousness occur suddenly, on average once a week? Could there have been an oversaturation? I do not take other drugs, sometimes a supplement of some kind. The diagnosis does not show any other possible causes (the only hypotheses are the connection with the blocks of the branches of the Hissa bundle {for several years} or the possible hidden passage of Covid) -

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

With pregabalin and duloxetine (the active substance in Dutilox), side effects m.in such as fainting, dizziness, seizures may occur. Side effects of drugs occur with statistical probability and may appear at different times during the course of therapy. It is possible that the described symptoms may occur after the medications used. Side effects should be reported, I attach materials on this topic: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane

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